Job search networking group meetings starting 3-4-2024








Monday, 03/04, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts,

Personal Branding and The Job Hunt. Our presenter, Dr. Cindy McGovern, will discuss how to define and evaluate your personal brand, how to optimize it in interviews and play to your strengths, and, perhaps most importantly, how to go about making changes if it’s not what you want. Everything you do every day contributes to your personal brand — take control and use it to get the job you want.

Dr. Cindy McGovern is an international speaker, author and consultant, helping people and companies get what they want in work and in life by using the skills of sales pros. She has a master’s in communication and a doctorate in organizational communication with an emphasis in organizational leadership and ethics. Today, she focuses on bringing companies and people together to grow their businesses and get what they want in life and in work. She is the author of “Every Job is a Sales Job” and “Sell Yourself.”

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our ‘Ask Maya’ segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job search questions.

Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.

Tuesday 3/5 at 10am ET. Please join us for our next Career Conversations with Tony webinar Tony will present: “Refining Your Job Search with Targeting”. Register now at: All are welcome. Q & A will follow.

Meetings are held on Zoom on alternate Tuesdays at 10am ET, with rare exceptions, and will remain virtual for the foreseeable future. We are booked through April. Be sure to check our webpage for a list of webinar dates, topics, descriptions, presenters, and the registration link, at:


Thursday, March 7, 2024, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST, JVS Job-seekers Virtual Workshop, Presents guest speaker Deborah (Deb) Krawiec ‘Interview Strategies – More Than Words!’

Selling your value in an interview is not only in what you say – but it’s also in how you say it.

For example, did you know that your facial expressions, gestures and eye gaze can make a significant impact on how you are perceived as a fit for the position and the company? 

This webinar will teach you how to:

  • Assess your non-verbal cues.
  • Adjust and strengthen your communication skills.
  • Read the room.
  • And interview with confidence! 

 There will be 20 minutes of open networking with fellow job seekers after the presentation.



Friday, March 8⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Hanan Isaacs – Essential Principles of Employment Law for Workers and Those in Transition

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

New Jersey Employment and Family Law Attorney Hanan Isaacs will cover key topics under NJ employment law and, where relevant, federal law. Topics to be covered will include:

  • At-will employment, employment contracts, civil service, Union membership 
  • Lawful and unlawful hiring practices by the employer 
  • Legal significance/enforceability of an Employee Handbook or Personnel Manual
  • More…

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


March 9, 2024,, 8:00 -10:00 AM  join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by John Hadley – “Jump Start your Networking”. Sign on instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.


Monday, 03/11, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

State of Non-Profit Word and How to Transition to Non-Profit. Our presenter Tim Domini spent the past 25 years working in the not-for-profit industry in a senior financial role. For the past 12 years Tim has moderated a monthly networking group for not-for profit financial executives. After more than 30 years of full-time work he has transitioned to a flexible work schedule based around finding and supporting not-for-profits that need a helping hand through outside services.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job search questions. 


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022. 


Monday, March 11th, 2024 at 7:30pm Church of the Presentation Career Management Ministry, features more “Actionable Advice for Enhancing your Career – Whether you are Working or Looking for Work”    

We will discuss the following topics:

– Building Skills & Experiences, Preparing for Transition, and Career Change / Doing Something New

This session will have something for everyone – whether you are working and hoping to advance, thinking about a career move or actively searching for a job.  Our team of coaches, executives, HR professionals and entrepreneurs will be covering topics that are focused on your career growth.  We hope you’ll join us.

This hybrid session will be:

In Person:

Church of the Presentation (in the Jerusalem Room)

271 W. Saddle River Rd.

Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458


We will also be on-line:

Zoom Link:


All are welcome to come to these sessions and we hope to see you there! 


If you have concerns or questions at any time about your job, a search for a job, networking, assistance with interviews, etc. simply email with your name, email address and a brief introduction and we will be happy to assist.


Tue Mar 12th, 12:00-12:30 Central time (a LinkedIn Live broadcast),  FREE Webinar: “7 Ways to Improve Your Resume. Marty Gilbert.  The average resume only gets 6-10 seconds of read time so you need to grab interest quickly . Learn a few ideas that could raise your credibility & get you more interviews. Click here or on the graphic below to register and feel free to share with your network.

This free session is available to anyone. LinkedIn will record this live event so if you cannot attend this webinar, use the link to watch the recording later.

View Details & Register Here


Tuesday, March 12 from 5:00-6:00 pm ET, Virtual (Zoom)  How to come across as knowledgeable/current to your boss/hiring manager.

Join us for an engaging talk with Executive Coach and Career Guru, Charlotte A. Lee of Lee Work Wise, LLC and award-winning portfolio manager, Frederick A. Brimberg, Chief Investment Officer of Banksville Holdings.

The world is ever-changing, and the geopolitical environment is unprecedented. There are things you need to know to appear current and knowledgeable to your colleagues, boss, and hiring managers. In this session, we will discuss what you need to know and share a simple list you can use your whole career!

  • Space is limited; first come, first served.
  • A summary sheet will only be shared with the attendees.
  • The Zoom information will be emailed only to those who register for the session.
  • This Networking Event will not be recorded nor repeated.

Register here:


3-14-24 – Paul Cecala Speaker, Our next NJSENG meeting will be on March 14,2024 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our speaker will be Paul Cecala. Paul will discuss “Taking Control of Your Job Search”. Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. Below is further information on the presentation. 

Take Control of Your Job Search

This presentation looks at the various steps involved in a successful job search with an emphasis on utilizing a series of worksheets provided in our latest book, “Take Control of Your Job Search.” We have identified a series of milestones to accomplish in a job search. With each milestone are several worksheets that guide the job seeker through the process of landing a job.

Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants, LLC. Since 1999 he has assisted over 4000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students.

Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. 


Friday, March 15⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Tamarra Causley Robinson – How to Deal with Impact of Job Loss on Family/Relationships

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

When job loss occurs, one of the first things we think to do is to triage the situation. Most activities that take place are external: Update your resume, Update your LinkedIn profile and dust off your interview skills. It’s time to tell the world about who you are and what you can do for them. Oftentimes, we don’t talk about the emotional and psychological affects of job loss for the individual and secondarily about its affect on everyone else in the household (immediate and extended family & friends).  This discussion will focus solely on steps one can take to take better care of themselves during this time of transition and how to increase the awareness around how to preserve and potentially strengthen our relationship at home.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Monday, 03/18, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

Your Interview Presence and Presentation. Virtual platforms have influenced how people see, hear and “get” you. Our guest presenter Eileen Sinett will explain how in-person interviews are rare at the beginning of the interview process and online group interviews are more common than ever. Whether influencing one or many, on camera or in-person, there are communication nuances you’ll want to hone. How people see, hear and “get” you is critical; knowing some tools that support your presence and presentation can give you a communication advantage. Eileen’s presentation leads with some presentation basics and a brief definition of presence and invites you to share your interview experiences and questions.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022. 


Friday, March 22⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Joey Himmelfarb – Visualizing Yourself into Your Next Job

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

The only difference between you and the professional athletes you watch on TV is that they’ve practically perfected visualization.

These athletes see themselves hitting the game-winning single, sinking the 3-point outside jumper to send the game into overtime, driving the golf ball straight down the fairway to set up an easy 2nd shot to the green, serving an ace over the net and past a stunned opponent.

I believe you can, and should, see yourself achieving your dreams. You can accurately assess your skills, abilities, and talents. You can see yourself getting that big account, finishing that novel you’ve been wanting to write, finding joy with your partner, or landing that next job.

Join us for a thought-provoking, highly interactive, and entertaining program that will clarify visualization for you. You will:

  •     Learn what visualization is and how it works. (Hint: it borders on magic.)


  •     Be introduced to several tools and techniques you can use immediately. (So you can see your future.)
  •     Practice using these tools and techniques to improve your ability to create the future you see. (I trust you’ll find it pleasant to look at.)

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Wednesday, February 28, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Job Seekers’ next meeting is. Join us online when David Schuchman will have a workshop on how to Uncover the Hidden Job Market. Learn ways to connect with companies and individuals who can help you gain traction when networking. This presentation informs attendees that up to 70% of open positions are not actively published (as per several sources), and why employers often use non-published ways of finding professional talent. We discuss ways to begin to overcome this challenge in order to be exposed to more professional opportunities.

The event is online only. Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505


One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.


Monday, 03/25, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

Is It Time to Consider a Plan B? Is the time and effort you put into your job search producing the results you expect and need? If not, it may be time to closely evaluate your job search strategy. Specifically, the skills you will bring to your next employer and the skills your next employer (and the market place) may really need. If there is a gap between those two points, or if you no longer enjoy what you have previously done, you may need to adjust your job search strategy. Our speaker David Schuchman is an information technology professional with a passion for technology implementation, as well as applications design, development and IT operations. He is also the executive chair and leader of the Professional Service Group of Mercer County, a networking community for professionals in career transition.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022. 


Friday, March 29⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, David Schuchman – Overcome Legal Discrimination in Job Search

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

To discriminate against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some reason. Employment discrimination laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical disability, and several other reasons. However, employers do have and use legal reasons to exclude some job applicants. In this program, we will discuss what are the legal reasons that employers use to discriminate against some candidates. And we’ll discuss & identify 5 tips to overcome those. FYI, these tips can also mitigate some illegal discrimination.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, April 5⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Terrence Seamon – The Five Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

In this presentation, Terry takes jobseekers through five critical practices that they must use consistently in order to land the next job and achieve success including: the importance of focus in their search; how to position and present themselves as a solution; and how to utilize their resources, especially relationships and time, most effectively.  Terry coaches executives and professionals that are in career transitions. He previously had a long career in the corporate world as a HR training manager in the energy, telecom, and pharma-chem industries.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:




General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to  


Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, hosts a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day


Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:


Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :


2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start at promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.


Networking and job search meetings starting 2-26-2024



Monday, 26 Feb 2024, for our February 2024 WNO meeting.

Presenting this month will be Heather Kay, providing an overview of the Strengths-based philosophy, why Strengths-based development is a key component to being successful, and how you can begin to think about describing your Strengths during an interview.

Register here!

Westchester Networking Organization (WNO)

A volunteer-run community supportive of those who are in career transition and looking for career opportunities



Monday, 02/26 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts,Having a Disability and Looking for Employment. Please join us as Erich Butler and Myles Wallace discuss this important topic. Erich and Myles are disability inclusion partners with Peak Performers Staffing Agency based out of Austin, Tex. They specialize in assisting individuals with disabilities in finding meaningful employment, connecting employers with exceptional talent, all while promoting the normalization of professional life for individuals with disabilities. PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our ‘Ask Maya’; segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

Please join us on the third Monday of the month (beginning in March) from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Monday, February 26 · 6 – 8:15pm EST, WNO February Meeting: Strengths In Transition, Location, Online 2 hours 15 minutes, This will be a virtual (on-line) meeting. Log-in information for the meeting will be sent to the registrants on the afternoon of the meeting.


  • 6:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Attendees sign in to the meeting
  • 6:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Networking
  • 6:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Announcements
  • 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Presentation – Strengths In Transition Program, Heather Kay
  • 8:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Final Announcements, Networking

Abstract: Strengths In Transition Program

The Strengths-based philosophy focuses on what you naturally do well so that you can continue to perform at your best. Who doesn’t want to do their best work?

When you are in transition, it can be hard to showcase your strengths. For one, you may not be aware of them, or you may not be able to describe them in a way that fully demonstrates how you have utilized them. Typically, it is simply hard to find a way to work them into conversation.

This 30-45 minute Overview provides the background on why Strengths-based development is a key component to being successful and how you can begin to think about describing your Strengths during an interview.

The program covers these topics:

  1. What drives performance
  2. Strength’s statistics and philosophy
  3. Definition of Strengths
  4. Activities involving Strengths (exercise)
  5. Examples of Themes
  6. Example of how to answer interview questions with the HOW of your strengths.

The 3 Key Leading Take Aways are:

  1. Understanding that we all have behaviors that we naturally do well
  2. These behaviors differentiate us from others
  3. Viewing ways to answer interview questions based on one’s strengths

If interested, coaching opportunities will be offered at a discounted rate for those in the session.

A preliminary attendance sheet will be e-mailed to all registered attendees the weekend prior to the meeting. Please do not share or distribute the list out of respect for the privacy of the other attendees. We hope that the list is helpful both for you and for you to help others.

  •            Make your evening a success – come prepared!
  •            Please ensure you’re attending from a quiet location.
  •            Please keep your microphone muted except when speaking.
  •            See other best practices.

Register here!


Tuesday, February 27, 2023 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT), The Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group, normally at Trinity Church in Princeton, is moving online for the time being.  We will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays, each month. Web site: 

Tuesday meeting permalink:


Friday, March 1⋅9:45am – 12:00pm

Bart Jackson – Getting a Grip on Your Career — Wiser Choices

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

Description:  In truth, most folks hit what they aim at. How do you lift your head out of that narrow rut that defines your career as a series of jobs and list of skills? What practical tactics will rip off the blinders, reveal opportunities, and set your precious energies on the road to fulfillment – and fun? With great good humor, we will look at the examples of some amazing individuals, showing how their career choices (good & blunderful) made all the difference. Then, we’ll attack your individual needs, and lay out some solid some solid strategies. No slides – no PowerPoint – bring notebook.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Tuesday 3/5 at 10am ET. Please join us for our next Career Conversations with Tony webinar Tony will present: “Refining Your Job Search with Targeting”. Register now at: All are welcome. Q & A will follow.

Meetings are held on Zoom on alternate Tuesdays at 10am ET, with rare exceptions, and will remain virtual for the foreseeable future. We are booked through April. Be sure to check our webpage for a list of webinar dates, topics, descriptions, presenters, and the registration link, at:


Friday, March 8⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Hanan Isaacs – Essential Principles of Employment Law for Workers and Those in Transition

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

New Jersey Employment and Family Law Attorney Hanan Isaacs will cover key topics under NJ employment law and, where relevant, federal law. Topics to be covered will include:

  • At-will employment, employment contracts, civil service, Union membership 
  • Lawful and unlawful hiring practices by the employer 
  • Legal significance/enforceability of an Employee Handbook or Personnel Manual
  • More…

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


March 9, 2924,, 8:00 -10:00 AM  join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by John Hadley – “Jump Start your Networking”. Sign on  instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.


Monday, March 11th, 2024 at 7:30pm Church of the Presentation Career Management Ministry, features more “Actionable Advice for Enhancing your Career – Whether you are Working or Looking for Work”    

We will discuss the following topics:

– Building Skills & Experiences, Preparing for Transition, and Career Change / Doing Something New

This session will have something for everyone – whether you are working and hoping to advance, thinking about a career move or actively searching for a job.  Our team of coaches, executives, HR professionals and entrepreneurs will be covering topics that are focused on your career growth.  We hope you’ll join us.

This hybrid session will be:

In Person:

Church of the Presentation (in the Jerusalem Room)

271 W. Saddle River Rd.

Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458


We will also be on-line:

Zoom Link:


All are welcome to come to these sessions and we hope to see you there! 


If you have concerns or questions at any time about your job, a search for a job, networking, assistance with interviews, etc. simply email with your name, email address and a brief introduction and we will be happy to assist.


Tue Mar 12th, 12:00-12:30 Central time (a LinkedIn Live broadcast),  FREE Webinar: “7 Ways to Improve Your Resume. Marty Gilbert.  The average resume only gets 6-10 seconds of read time so you need to grab interest quickly . Learn a few ideas that could raise your credibility & get you more interviews. Click here or on the graphic below to register and feel free to share with your network.

This free session is available to anyone. LinkedIn will record this live event so if you cannot attend this webinar, use the link to watch the recording later.

View Details & Register Here


Tuesday, March 12 from 5:00-6:00 pm ET, Virtual (Zoom)  How to come across as knowledgeable/current to your boss/hiring manager.

Join us for an engaging talk with Executive Coach and Career Guru, Charlotte A. Lee of Lee Work Wise, LLC and award-winning portfolio manager, Frederick A. Brimberg, Chief Investment Officer of Banksville Holdings.

The world is ever-changing, and the geopolitical environment is unprecedented. There are things you need to know to appear current and knowledgeable to your colleagues, boss, and hiring managers. In this session, we will discuss what you need to know and share a simple list you can use your whole career!

  • Space is limited; first come, first served.
  • A summary sheet will only be shared with the attendees.
  • The Zoom information will be emailed only to those who register for the session.
  • This Networking Event will not be recorded nor repeated.

Register here:


3-14-24 – Paul Cecala Speaker, Our next NJSENG meeting will be on March 14,2024 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our speaker will be Paul Cecala. Paul will discuss “Taking Control of Your Job Search”. Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. Below is further information on the presentation. 

Take Control of Your Job Search

This presentation looks at the various steps involved in a successful job search with an emphasis on utilizing a series of worksheets provided in our latest book, “Take Control of Your Job Search.” We have identified a series of milestones to accomplish in a job search. With each milestone are several worksheets that guide the job seeker through the process of landing a job.

Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants, LLC. Since 1999 he has assisted over 4000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students.

Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. 


Friday, March 15⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Tamarra Causley Robinson – How to Deal with Impact of Job Loss on Family/Relationships

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

When job loss occurs, one of the first things we think to do is to triage the situation. Most activities that take place are external: Update your resume, Update your LinkedIn profile and dust off your interview skills. It’s time to tell the world about who you are and what you can do for them. Oftentimes, we don’t talk about the emotional and psychological affects of job loss for the individual and secondarily about its affect on everyone else in the household (immediate and extended family & friends).  This discussion will focus solely on steps one can take to take better care of themselves during this time of transition and how to increase the awareness around how to preserve and potentially strengthen our relationship at home.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, March 22⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Joey Himmelfarb – Visualizing Yourself into Your Next Job

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

The only difference between you and the professional athletes you watch on TV is that they’ve practically perfected visualization.

These athletes see themselves hitting the game-winning single, sinking the 3-point outside jumper to send the game into overtime, driving the golf ball straight down the fairway to set up an easy 2nd shot to the green, serving an ace over the net and past a stunned opponent.

I believe you can, and should, see yourself achieving your dreams. You can accurately assess your skills, abilities, and talents. You can see yourself getting that big account, finishing that novel you’ve been wanting to write, finding joy with your partner, or landing that next job.

Join us for a thought-provoking, highly interactive, and entertaining program that will clarify visualization for you. You will:

  •     Learn what visualization is and how it works. (Hint: it borders on magic.)


  •     Be introduced to several tools and techniques you can use immediately. (So you can see your future.)
  •     Practice using these tools and techniques to improve your ability to create the future you see. (I trust you’ll find it pleasant to look at.)

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Wednesday, February 28, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Job Seekers’ next meeting is. Join us online when David Schuchman will have a workshop on how to Uncover the Hidden Job Market. Learn ways to connect with companies and individuals who can help you gain traction when networking. This presentation informs attendees that up to 70% of open positions are not actively published (as per several sources), and why employers often use non-published ways of finding professional talent. We discuss ways to begin to overcome this challenge in order to be exposed to more professional opportunities.

The event is online only. Click here to Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505


One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.


Friday, March 29⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, David Schuchman – Overcome Legal Discrimination in Job Search

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

To discriminate against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some reason. Employment discrimination laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical disability, and several other reasons. However, employers do have and use legal reasons to exclude some job applicants. In this program, we will discuss what are the legal reasons that employers use to discriminate against some candidates. And we’ll discuss & identify 5 tips to overcome those. FYI, these tips can also mitigate some illegal discrimination.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, April 5⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Terrence Seamon – The Five Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

In this presentation, Terry takes jobseekers through five critical practices that they must use consistently in order to land the next job and achieve success including: the importance of focus in their search; how to position and present themselves as a solution; and how to utilize their resources, especially relationships and time, most effectively.  Terry coaches executives and professionals that are in career transitions. He previously had a long career in the corporate world as a HR training manager in the energy, telecom, and pharma-chem industries.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:




General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to  

Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day


Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:


Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :


2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start at promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.





Job search networking group presentations as of 2-19-24




What you know about job search is just the tip of the iceberg.  Join groups presentations to learn more 

Tuesday 2/20 at 10am ET, Tony Calabrese, of Career Conversations with Tony, will present: “Accomplishment Stories”. Register now at: All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Meetings are held on Zoom on alternate Tuesdays at 10am ET, with rare exceptions, and will remain virtual for the foreseeable future. We are booked through April. Be sure to check our webpage for a list of webinar dates, topics, descriptions, presenters, their contact info, and the registration link once it’s available, at:


Wednesday, February 21, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Job Seekers’ of Montclair . Norma Tassy presents a helpful workshop on Cover Letters, Thank-You Letters and References. This is a topic that makes a job search successful.

  • Designing effective cover letters
  • Telephone etiquette and effective use
  • Thank you letters and their place

We meet at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke’s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. Check our website,, for directions and additional information. The entrance faces South Fullerton Ave.

The event will also be available online. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505


One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.

Also, if you would like to give back to the community and add experience to your resume, volunteer for Job Seekers of Montclair. Reply to for details.


Thursday, February 22, 2024, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST, GUEST SPEAKER, Amy Geffen, How to Job Search Over 50

If you are over fifty you no doubt will experience some ageism during your job search.

What are some of the strategies you can employ to combat ageism?

Explore strategies including online learning, technology, research, negotiation, and presentation skills.

What you say and how you come across will be just as important as the skills you bring to the table.

We will also discuss deciding your next step, such as working part-time, continuing to work full-time, start a consulting business, volunteer on a non-profit board and other options.

There will be 20 minutes of open networking

with fellow job seekers after the presentation.





Friday, February 23⋅9:45am – 12:00pm

Ed Samuel – Networking Gone Wrong

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

We all love networking when it comes to a job search. We know it’s mission-critical, and we work really hard at it. But mistakes in networking can slow the job search process down and, in some cases, it can make be the difference in landing a job and making the job search far more efficient. We need to be careful that we don’t dump networking in a big pot, stir and dump it out and say, it’s all good. Networking can Go Wrong. 

Please join Ed Samuel, who many consider not only a Career Coach but a power networker/rainmaker. He also has ~27,000 1st connections on Linked and more on his other social media platforms. More importantly, what he teaches about networking has helped 900+ to date optimize their career in some way. 

Key Take Aways

 –          The four (4) Tiers of Networking

–          Learn who you should and should not include in your network using the 90% rule

–          Revisit win-win versus win-lose

–          What two things should you always have handy while in job search? 

–          Learn one thing that can truly damage a networking opportunity out of the gate

–          How do you salvage a lost opportunity using networking?

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Monday, 26 Feb 2024, for our February 2024 WNO meeting.

Presenting this month will be Heather Kay, providing an overview of the Strengths-based philosophy, why Strengths-based development is a key component to being successful, and how you can begin to think about describing your Strengths during an interview.

Register here!

Westchester Networking Organization (WNO)

A volunteer-run community supportive of those who are in career transition and looking for career opportunities



Monday, 02/26 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts,Having a Disability and Looking for Employment. Please join us as Erich Butler and Myles Wallace discuss this important topic. Erich and Myles are disability inclusion partners with Peak Performers Staffing Agency based out of Austin, Tex. They specialize in assisting individuals with disabilities in finding meaningful employment, connecting employers with exceptional talent, all while promoting the normalization of professional life for individuals with disabilities. PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please visit and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our ‘Ask Maya’; segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement and a frequent speaker for PSGCNJ. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

Please join us on the third Monday of the month (beginning in March) from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Monday, February 26 · 6 – 8:15pm EST, WNO February Meeting: Strengths In Transition, Location, Online 2 hours 15 minutes, This will be a virtual (on-line) meeting. Log-in information for the meeting will be sent to the registrants on the afternoon of the meeting.


  • 6:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Attendees sign in to the meeting
  • 6:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Networking
  • 6:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Announcements
  • 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Presentation – Strengths In Transition Program, Heather Kay
  • 8:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. Final Announcements, Networking

Abstract: Strengths In Transition Program

The Strengths-based philosophy focuses on what you naturally do well so that you can continue to perform at your best. Who doesn’t want to do their best work?

When you are in transition, it can be hard to showcase your strengths. For one, you may not be aware of them, or you may not be able to describe them in a way that fully demonstrates how you have utilized them. Typically, it is simply hard to find a way to work them into conversation.

This 30-45 minute Overview provides the background on why Strengths-based development is a key component to being successful and how you can begin to think about describing your Strengths during an interview.

The program covers these topics:

  1. What drives performance
  2. Strength’s statistics and philosophy
  3. Definition of Strengths
  4. Activities involving Strengths (exercise)
  5. Examples of Themes
  6. Example of how to answer interview questions with the HOW of your strengths.

The 3 Key Leading Take Aways are:

  1. Understanding that we all have behaviors that we naturally do well
  2. These behaviors differentiate us from others
  3. Viewing ways to answer interview questions based on one’s strengths

If interested, coaching opportunities will be offered at a discounted rate for those in the session.

A preliminary attendance sheet will be e-mailed to all registered attendees the weekend prior to the meeting. Please do not share or distribute the list out of respect for the privacy of the other attendees. We hope that the list is helpful both for you and for you to help others.

  •            Make your evening a success – come prepared!
  •            Please ensure you’re attending from a quiet location.
  •            Please keep your microphone muted except when speaking.
  •            See other best practices.

Register here!


Friday, March 1⋅9:45am – 12:00pm

Bart Jackson – Getting a Grip on Your Career — Wiser Choices

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

Description:  In truth, most folks hit what they aim at. How do you lift your head out of that narrow rut that defines your career as a series of jobs and list of skills? What practical tactics will rip off the blinders, reveal opportunities, and set your precious energies on the road to fulfillment – and fun? With great good humor, we will look at the examples of some amazing individuals, showing how their career choices (good & blunderful) made all the difference. Then, we’ll attack your individual needs, and lay out some solid some solid strategies. No slides – no PowerPoint – bring notebook.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, March 8⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Hanan Isaacs – Essential Principles of Employment Law for Workers and Those in Transition

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

New Jersey Employment and Family Law Attorney Hanan Isaacs will cover key topics under NJ employment law and, where relevant, federal law. Topics to be covered will include:

  • At-will employment, employment contracts, civil service, Union membership 
  • Lawful and unlawful hiring practices by the employer 
  • Legal significance/enforceability of an Employee Handbook or Personnel Manual
  • More…

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


March 9, 2924,, 8:00 -10:00 AM  join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by John Hadley – “Jump Start your Networking”. Sign on  instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.


3-14-24 – Paul Cecala Speaker, Our next NJSENG meeting will be on March 14,2024 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Our speaker will be Paul Cecala. Paul will discuss “Taking Control of Your Job Search”. Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. Below is further information on the presentation. 

Take Control of Your Job Search

This presentation looks at the various steps involved in a successful job search with an emphasis on utilizing a series of worksheets provided in our latest book, “Take Control of Your Job Search.” We have identified a series of milestones to accomplish in a job search. With each milestone are several worksheets that guide the job seeker through the process of landing a job.

Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants, LLC. Since 1999 he has assisted over 4000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students.

Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 3-14-24 NJSENG Meeting”. 


Friday, March 15⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Tamarra Causley Robinson – How to Deal with Impact of Job Loss on Family/Relationships

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

When job loss occurs, one of the first things we think to do is to triage the situation. Most activities that take place are external: Update your resume, Update your LinkedIn profile and dust off your interview skills. It’s time to tell the world about who you are and what you can do for them. Oftentimes, we don’t talk about the emotional and psychological affects of job loss for the individual and secondarily about its affect on everyone else in the household (immediate and extended family & friends).  This discussion will focus solely on steps one can take to take better care of themselves during this time of transition and how to increase the awareness around how to preserve and potentially strengthen our relationship at home.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, March 22⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Joey Himmelfarb – Visualizing Yourself into Your Next Job

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

The only difference between you and the professional athletes you watch on TV is that they’ve practically perfected visualization.

These athletes see themselves hitting the game-winning single, sinking the 3-point outside jumper to send the game into overtime, driving the golf ball straight down the fairway to set up an easy 2nd shot to the green, serving an ace over the net and past a stunned opponent.

I believe you can, and should, see yourself achieving your dreams. You can accurately assess your skills, abilities, and talents. You can see yourself getting that big account, finishing that novel you’ve been wanting to write, finding joy with your partner, or landing that next job.

Join us for a thought-provoking, highly interactive, and entertaining program that will clarify visualization for you. You will:

  •     Learn what visualization is and how it works. (Hint: it borders on magic.)


  •     Be introduced to several tools and techniques you can use immediately. (So you can see your future.)
  •     Practice using these tools and techniques to improve your ability to create the future you see. (I trust you’ll find it pleasant to look at.)

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, March 29⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, David Schuchman – Overcome Legal Discrimination in Job Search

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

To discriminate against someone means to treat that person differently, or less favorably, for some reason. Employment discrimination laws seek to prevent discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical disability, and several other reasons. However, employers do have and use legal reasons to exclude some job applicants. In this program, we will discuss what are the legal reasons that employers use to discriminate against some candidates. And we’ll discuss & identify 5 tips to overcome those. FYI, these tips can also mitigate some illegal discrimination.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


Friday, April 5⋅9:45am – 12:00pm, Terrence Seamon – The Five Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

The Princeton Public Library. 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ 08542

In this presentation, Terry takes jobseekers through five critical practices that they must use consistently in order to land the next job and achieve success including: the importance of focus in their search; how to position and present themselves as a solution; and how to utilize their resources, especially relationships and time, most effectively.  Terry coaches executives and professionals that are in career transitions. He previously had a long career in the corporate world as a HR training manager in the energy, telecom, and pharma-chem industries.

Organizer: Mercer County PSG Events

Mercer County PSG Events

Creator: Created by: by:


 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:




General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to  

Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day


Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:


Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :


2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start at promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.