Job search networking group meetings as of 8-19-2024

Congrats for the new job!!




Monday, 08/19, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

How to Use ChatGPT Effectively to Build Your Cover Letter. In this presentation, our speaker, Chui Senanayake, will guide attendees through leveraging ChatGPT to craft compelling cover letters. We will cover how to gather necessary information, outline the cover letter, and use specific prompts to generate each section with ChatGPT. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices for reviewing and editing drafts to ensure clarity, consistency, and alignment with job descriptions. By the end of the session, participants will have a step-by-step approach to creating tailored, professional cover letters that stand out to employers.


Chui Senanayake is a professional career coach and the president/founder of The Job Helpers and JobProMax. Eighteen years ago, he was 19 and homeless. Today, he is an MBA graduate leading a successful business. With over 15 years of experience, he has optimized resumes for countless job seekers.


PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Mon August 19, 2024, 6pm-8pm. WNO, Our August presentation will be “LinkedIn as a Job Seeker’s Search Engine”, presented by Ken Lang.

Ken Lang is the co-founder of My Networking Central, a searchable database for networking events and speakers. He also serves as a brand specialist for Lee Hecht Harrison, an outplacement service, focusing on LinkedIn best practices. He also helps small business owners maximize their presence on LinkedIn.

Ken will be discussing the latest LinkedIn changes and how they impact job search; he will then show us how LinkedIn can be used as a search engine for job specs, to locate companies and contacts, and to view other similar profiles to better maximize your experience.

Ken will do this via demonstrations and as a training session. Ken will be looking to us for audience participation to help guide him through any specific questions that come up.

Register Now  and join us at this month’s meeting! 


(Be sure to answer the questions that appear AFTER Eventbrite says “Order Successful”!)


Westchester Networking Organization (WNO)

A volunteer-run community supportive of those who are in career transition and looking for career opportunities




LinkedIn: Westchester Networking Organization (must have a profile on LinkedIn; access by request)


Monday, 08/26, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

Managing Your Reputation and References from the Get-Go. Your resume and LinkedIn profile are only as good as the appropriate people who can vouch for your performance and experience your claim. In this presentation, our presenter, Ruth K. Robbins, will show you how to learn the new ways in which references are garnered by the HR hiring team, how to select your references, building a network of references and recommendations, and keeping them in the loop once the reference check process begins.

Ruth Robbins is a career coach with over 20 years of experience in career planning/exploration, job-search and new business/consulting practice start-ups. She helps clients craft their messaging, LinkedIn profiles, and personal statements. For the last four years, she has delivered job-search strategy and career coaching services for and The Whitehawk Group.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

 Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


August 26 – 6-9 p.m.- Join Us For “Professional Critique” and “Using Marketing Concepts In Your Job Search”

6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: “Professional Critique” (In Person)

(In Person/Via Zoom)

How do you compete, to be the best candidate, in the eyes of prospective employers?

How do you find the solutions to brand and sell yourself in today’s highly competitive job market?

How do you create a competitive advantage for yourself?

Receive a personalized evaluation of your professional goals, and develop a customized strategy to expedite your transition into your next professional opportunity:

 St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169

7 – 9 p.m.: “Using Marketing Concepts In Your Job Search”:  presenter is Bob Smaluk, an award-winning business development representative who will provide marketing strategies that can also be applied to sell yourself in today’s highly competitive job market. Bob has more than 30 years of sales experience, and has sold products and services to companies of all sizes.

In Person:

St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169

 Via Zoom:

 Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676

 Passcode: 190359

 To Join By Phone:

+13126266799,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Chicago)

 +13017158592,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

 +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

 +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

 Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676

Passcode: 190359

*For More Information*:

Contact Us:

Email: sainthubertjobministry@…

Phone: (708) 232-6535


Tuesday Aug. 27, 2024 12-12:30 networking Please join the Business Relationship Network for our

Annual Summer Networking Luncheon

Hosted by

Business Relationship Network.

 12:00-12:30 Networking | 12:30 Lunch and Speaker

$30 per Person advanced registration | $37.50 at the door

 Special Guest Speaker

 Rita Haake

Senior Vice President of Choose DuPage

Rita leads efforts to support the organization’s economic development strategy with a specific focus on business retention and growth. Prior to this role she spent 32 years at College of DuPage and during her tenure spent 25 years running the Business Development Center.


September 12,2024 at 6:30pm via Zoom. Next NJSENG meeting Our speakers will be Maggie Pazzian and Mike Palestina. They will discuss “ Mindsets of Successful People”.

Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 9-12-24 NJSENG Meeting”. Below is further information on the presentation.

Whether your gainfully employed or currently in transition, navigating the environment, culture, and climate within an organization has become more challenging in part due to various return to office policies. 

Please join us for this highly interactive discussion designed to help the participants raise their self-awareness and position themselves to consider modifying long held perspectives on their career objectives.

Maggie Pazian is an internationally accredited specialist in the science of nonverbal communication, behavior, and emotion.  She has more than fifteen years of experience coaching and training others in the skills of accurately perceiving and interpreting emotional information. Maggie is passionate about approaching issues with an emotional intelligence framework and practical application of scientific tools and techniques that help leaders modify behaviors and elevate not only their leadership, but also their well-being.  She coaches clients in the process of discovering default tendencies, beliefs, and perceptions, and becoming more conscious of how these guide decisions and actions. By introducing choice into an automatic process, clients can consistently choose how to respond to their environment, in turn becoming more aware and connected, and achieving the results that drive business and personal success.


Mike Palestina has 20+ years of experience as an Executive Coach along with more than 20 years of Fortune 250 business leadership experience (in a variety of non-HR related functional areas including Marketing and Business Development, Client Implementation and Services, IT, Project Management, and Operations). This practical experience combined with 1,000+ hours of accredited training in coaching, emotional awareness, and verbal and non-verbal communications, provide him with a real-world appreciation of the challenges senior leaders face throughout their careers and within their organizations.


Please reserve your seat by emailing me at Include in the email Subject Line – “Reserve My Seat for 9-12-24 NJSENG Meeting”.


I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Marty Latman

Saturday September 14, 2024,, 9:30 -10:30 AM – doors open at 9 am for networking. $10 cash fee at the door for room rental and required insurance premium.  Join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by Sam Velu – “Unleashing the Power of AI Automation for Job Seekers”. Sign on  instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.  We will be meeting in person. No food or drink allowed, as per library rules.


 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:



General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to 


Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

Monday mornings – The Ramsey Job Search Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members are expected to hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.

Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:

Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, before 4/30, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :

2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start  promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.




Job Search Networking Group meetings as of 8-12-2024






Adrienne Roman

Monday, 08/12, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, Align Your Potential by Identifying Your Natural Abilities with Multiple Natures. Each person has a unique set of traits which provides a predisposition towards different types of work and activities. Multiple Natures assists individuals in their quest for self-improvement and finding the flow to fulfill their true potential. To help understand yourself and make better decisions for your life, attend this workshop with Multiple Natures Practitioner Jan Goodman. Unlock the secret of your unique nature so you can identify and engage your natural abilities to the highest level. 

Jan Goodman is a community outreach specialist and career coach with the Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center Training Services. She assists with career discovery, job transition, recruitment, and life coaching assessment. Jan’s career began in corporate marketing and business development within the training industry. Later, she was the program lead for a statewide public health network at Rutgers University. 

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon to 12:30 p.m. for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, and founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job search questions. 

Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, a holistic practitioner of Ayurveda, and an emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


August 12 – 6-9 p.m., St Hubert Job Ministry, Join Us For “Professional Critique” and “The 8.5 Things You Need To Do To Kick Off/Restart Your Job Search” – August 12 – 6-9 p.m.

6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: “Professional Critique”: 

Receive a personalized evaluation of your professional goals, and develop a customized strategy to expedite your transition into your next professional opportunity:

 St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 

“The 8.5 Things You Need To Do To Kick Off/Restart Your Job Search…” – 7-9 p.m. 

How do you stay on top of your job search by concentrating on the most important aspects of it?

How do you optimize the results of your job search?

Richard Kennedy, an HR professional who has been helping job seekers for more than 10 years, and who has helped more than 2,000 job seekers implement strategies to expedite their journey to their next career path, will provide strategies to expedite the journey to the next step of one’s professional career path.

In Person:

St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169

 Via Zoom:

 Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676 

Passcode: 190359 

To Join By Phone: 

+13126266799,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Chicago) 

+13017158592,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Germantown) 

Dial by your location 

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) 

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676 

Passcode: 190359

*For More Information*:

Contact Us:

Email: sainthubertjobministry@…

Phone: (708) 232-6535

*What Future Presentations Would You Like To See?*


Tuesday, August 13  on-site (location below) from 5:30 – 8 pm EST and via Zoom (see link below)  6 – 7:30 pm EST.

This free network group is for people looking for new opportunities or interested in professional development.

You are cordially invited to our next Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) meeting.

Please join us for an elevator speech workshop where Rob Phillips, Chief Learning Officer at M&T Bank,  will provide a worksheet and discuss the 6 key steps in creating an elevator speech. The attendees will have the opportunity to practice their elevator speech and connect with any potential leads. Meet and network with peers, managers, and professionals.  

To receive an NFP Evite email on information on the upcoming NFP meeting, please e-mail john@…

NFP is where people meet to expand their network connections, as well as learn the tools needed to advance their careers. Business professionals from all industries and career levels are welcome to attend our monthly meetings.

Our philosophy is to build reciprocal relationships where business professionals can exchange ideas, job leads, and build networking skills. 

We usually have a guest speaker discuss a topic of interest for business professionals.

Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Starting  May 14 we have returned to onsite meetings in Newtown from 5:30 – 8 pm  as well as on Zoom from 6:00 – 7:30 pm.

Networking from 5:30-6:00pm with a speaker presentation from 6:00pm to 7:30. Networking until 8 pm.

Location: The Knights of Columbus building at Saint Rose in Newtown CT, located at 46 Church Hill Road; behind Saint Rose church to the far left.

Please go in the entrance to Saint Rose church and drive in the back of the church to the far left. 

The building has 3 garage doors on the first floor with the meeting room upstairs.

The entrance is the door on the left front of the building. 

 Contact Number: 203-270-0051

***Attendance to NFP meetings remains free

 Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 862 8899 7801

Passcode: 316243

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,86288997801#,,,,*316243# US (New York)

+16469313860,,86288997801#,,,,*316243# US


Aug 14, Permalink for the Tuesday meeting:

NOTE: The JobSeekers website, and link page, have changed.  Same content, new format.  The “Hot Link to the Online Meeting” will still work.  (i.e., We were not hacked.)


August 14, 7:30 – 9:00 PM., Job Seekers’ od Montclair. Wednesday, Maya Ollson presents a helpful workshop on Cover Letters, Thank-You Letters, and References. This is a topic that makes a job search successful. Maya runs an award-winning top outplacement service provider.

  • Designing effective cover letters
  • Telephone etiquette and effective use
  • Thank you letters and their place

We meet at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke’s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. Light refreshments will be served. Check our website,

SPECIAL NOTE: The parking lot is closed for the next month. Plenty of room on the street.


Wednesday, August 14 Hillsdale Career Networking Group. and it will be our annual C-Suite Executive Panel meeting. Please remember to get your questions for our executives to me by August 1. Til then, stay cool. We look forward to seeing you all in August.


Aug 15 1 pm, In today’s tech job economy, your network is your net worth. 


It’s why we are excited to be hosting our first official Tech Workers Club live workshop with Jared Kleinert on all things networking and careers.


Who is Jared?


He is the founder & CEO of Offsite, a TED speaker, 3x award-winning author (he wrote a book on networking!), and USA Today’s “Most Connected Millennial” who has helped organize hundreds of events for over 30,000 attendees.


  • Topic: How to Perfect the Art of Networking and Land Your Dream Job
  • When: August 15th, 1 PM EST.


Register to Save Your Spot


And if you can’t make it live, register anyway to get the recording after.


Thursday, August 15, 2024, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST, JVS Job-Seekers Workshop Informational Interviewing – Your Path to Job Search Success

Everyone says I should be doing more informational interviewing, but what exactly is this and how do I get started? And why is it so important?

In this webinar, Deb Krawiec will delve into the art of the informational interview. Deb will share valuable information on how to engage and establish networking connections.

If you have been hesitant in reaching out to individuals you know, or may want to get to know, this is the webinar for you! You will learn how to re-establish former connections and build new connections. This dynamic webinar will also include a wide variety of sample scripts to help build your confidence.


Deborah (Deb) Krawiec

There will be 20 minutes of open networking

with fellow job seekers after the presentation.






August 17th, Careers in Transition will meet virtually Please RSVP

Please see the invitation below. For those of you outside the NJ/NY metro area, we invite you to further your networking and as reciprocity for you welcoming us to your groups. More about our group at


Even if you’re not interested in Franchising, just knowing something about it can be useful.


If you want your resume reviewed, please select the 1/2 option in the Google Form and don’t forget to send us your resume before Friday 5 PM ET.  


Monday, 08/19, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

How to Use ChatGPT Effectively to Build Your Cover Letter. In this presentation, our speaker, Chui Senanayake, will guide attendees through leveraging ChatGPT to craft compelling cover letters. We will cover how to gather necessary information, outline the cover letter, and use specific prompts to generate each section with ChatGPT. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices for reviewing and editing drafts to ensure clarity, consistency, and alignment with job descriptions. By the end of the session, participants will have a step-by-step approach to creating tailored, professional cover letters that stand out to employers.


Chui Senanayake is a professional career coach and the president/founder of The Job Helpers and JobProMax. Eighteen years ago, he was 19 and homeless. Today, he is an MBA graduate leading a successful business. With over 15 years of experience, he has optimized resumes for countless job seekers.


PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Mon August 19, 2024, WNO, Our August presentation will be “LinkedIn as a Job Seeker’s Search Engine”, presented by Ken Lang.

Ken Lang is the co-founder of My Networking Central, a searchable database for networking events and speakers. He also serves as a brand specialist for Lee Hecht Harrison, an outplacement service, focusing on LinkedIn best practices. He also helps small business owners maximize their presence on LinkedIn.

Ken will be discussing the latest LinkedIn changes and how they impact job search; he will then show us how LinkedIn can be used as a search engine for job specs, to locate companies and contacts, and to view other similar profiles to better maximize your experience.

Ken will do this via demonstrations and as a training session. Ken will be looking to us for audience participation to help guide him through any specific questions that come up.

Register Now  and join us at this month’s meeting! 


(Be sure to answer the questions that appear AFTER Eventbrite says “Order Successful”!)


Westchester Networking Organization (WNO)

A volunteer-run community supportive of those who are in career transition and looking for career opportunities




LinkedIn: Westchester Networking Organization (must have a profile on LinkedIn; access by request)


Monday, 08/26, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

Managing Your Reputation and References from the Get-Go. Your resume and LinkedIn profile are only as good as the appropriate people who can vouch for your performance and experience your claim. In this presentation, our presenter, Ruth K. Robbins, will show you how to learn the new ways in which references are garnered by the HR hiring team, how to select your references, building a network of references and recommendations, and keeping them in the loop once the reference check process begins.

Ruth Robbins is a career coach with over 20 years of experience in career planning/exploration, job-search and new business/consulting practice start-ups. She helps clients craft their messaging, LinkedIn profiles, and personal statements. For the last four years, she has delivered job-search strategy and career coaching services for and The Whitehawk Group.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

 Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Saturday September 14, 2024,, 9:30 -10:30 AM – doors open at 9 am for networking. $10 cash fee at the door for room rental and required insurance premium.  Join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by Sam Velu – “Unleashing the Power of AI Automation for Job Seekers”. Sign on  instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.  We will be meeting in person. No food or drink allowed, as per library rules.


 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:



General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to 

Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

Monday mornings – The Ramsey Job Search Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members are expected to hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.

Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:

Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, before 4/30, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :

2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start  promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.




Job search networking group meetings starting 8-5-2024





Finding a job is like a chess game

Monday, 08/05, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, Presenting Yourself in the Best Light. Enhancing your employability is like the tight margins of victory observed in horse racing. The smallest advantage can determine your success. In the competitive job-hunting landscape, minor adjustments to your approach can significantly impact outcomes. This workshop, presented by Chad Betz, offers an interactive platform that will provide you with actionable strategies, enabling you to refine your job search techniques effectively. Join us to gain practical insights that will propel you closer to securing the job you want.

 Chad Betz is a financial services executive with over 30 years of experience. He is also a keynote speaker and author of several books related to successful careers and job hunting. He advises CEOs and coaches businesspeople and holds a degree in economics. 

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

 Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Wed Aug 7th from 12:00-12:30 pm Central time, NSENG,

FREE Webinar on HOW JOB SEEKERS CAN GET FREE TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONS”  Click HERE to register for this free webinar.

Sometimes a big deterrent to getting your next job is a lack of training or an official certification that you don’t have. Good news: There’s a way that you can easily apply for FREE training programs that are specifically offered to individuals who are searching for a job.

The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a US Dept of Labor-funded program that allocates yearly money for job seekers who could benefit from free training. To help, NSENG has partnered with MicroTrain, Chicago’s largest WIOA-approved training company and they are licensed to train Illinois residents. So, for any Illinois resident in a job search, MicroTrain can help you apply for a training grant… and, once your grant is approved, they can deliver the training at NO COST to you because they will get paid from the government funds that have been set aside for job seekers. For those of you who DON’T live in Illinois, join us to learn how you can apply in your local state. It’s a no-risk, win-win situation for job seekers.

MicroTrain has over 100 different training courses and certifications, and here are just a few examples of the topics they address:

Lean Six Sigma… Chat GPT… PMP certification… Certified scrum master… Scaled Agile Framework… Microsoft Office & software languages… Microsoft Project & Sharepoint… SAP reports… IT management… Amazon Web Services (AWS)… Google Analytics & ads… Java programming… Python programming… Facebook & Instagram marketing… Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator & Photoshop… Cisco networking… Salesforce administrator.

MicroTrain’s President & co-Founder will join me, Dennis Muller, who will explain how the WIOA program works and what you can do to get started. If you are unable to join this live webinar, no worries. The presentation will get recorded and will be available for viewing at the very same registration link shortly after the event. For Illinois residents, you can get the training process started now by completing the form at

Click HERE to register for this webinar.


Wednesday, August 7, 7:15 – 9:00 pm, Job Seekers of Montclair invites you to a practical workshop on Making Networks Work with Mechelle Norton. Let your friends know. Job Seekers of Montclair now meets in person and online

We meet at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke’s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. Light refreshments will be served. Check our website,, for directions and additional information. It is AIR CONDITIONED.

NOTE: There are 8 steps up to the door. If this would be a problem for you, or you live far away,

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505

One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.

Also, if you would like to give back to the community and add experience to your resume, volunteer for Job Seekers of Montclair. Reply to for details.

SPECIAL NOTE: The parking lot is closed for the next month. Plenty of room on the street.

Saturday, August 10, 2024, 9:30 -10:30 AM – doors open at 9 am for networking. $10 cash fee at the door for room rental and required insurance premium.  Join The Breakfast Club NJ Monthly Meeting with a presentation by Mark Beal – “Win The Job & Thrive In A Multigenerational Workplace”. Sign on  instructions at Please share this with other groups you may be in.  Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.  We will be meeting in person. No food or drink allowed, as per library rules.

Monday, 08/12, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, Align Your Potential by Identifying Your Natural Abilities with Multiple Natures. Each person has a unique set of traits which provides a predisposition towards different types of work and activities. Multiple Natures assists individuals in their quest for self-improvement and finding the flow to fulfill their true potential. To help understand yourself and make better decisions for your life, attend this workshop with Multiple Natures Practitioner Jan Goodman. Unlock the secret of your unique natures so you can identify and engage your natural abilities to the highest level. 

Jan Goodman is a community outreach specialist and career coach with the Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center Training Services. She assists with career discovery, job transition, recruitment and life coaching assessment. Jan’s career began in corporate marketing and business development within the training industry. Later, she was the program lead for a statewide public health network at Rutgers University. 

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your-job search questions. 

Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


August 12 – 6-9 p.m., St Hubert Job Ministry, Join Us For “Professional Critique” and “The 8.5 Things You Need To Do To Kick Off/Restart Your Job Search” – August 12 – 6-9 p.m.

6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: “Professional Critique”: 

Receive a personalized evaluation of your professional goals, and develop a customized strategy to expedite your transition into your next professional opportunity:

 St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 

“The 8.5 Things You Need To Do To Kick Off/Restart Your Job Search…” – 7-9 p.m. 

How do you stay on top of your job search by concentrating on the most important aspects of it?

How do you optimize the results of your job search?

Richard Kennedy, an HR professional who has been helping job seekers for more than 10 years, and who has helped more than 2,000 job seekers implement strategies to expedite their journey to their next career path, will provide strategies to expedite the journey to the next step of one’s professional career path.

In Person:

St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169


Via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676 

Passcode: 190359 

To Join By Phone: 

+13126266799,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Chicago) 

+13017158592,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Germantown) 

Dial by your location 

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) 

+1 929 205 6099 US (New York) 

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676 

Passcode: 190359

*For More Information*:

Contact Us:

Email: sainthubertjobministry@…

Phone: (708) 232-6535

*What Future Presentations Would You Like To See?*


Wednesday, August 14 Hillsdale Career Networking Group. and it will be our annual C-Suite Executive Panel meeting. Please remember to get your questions for our executives to me by August 1. Til then, stay cool. We look forward to seeing you all in August.


Thursday, August 15, 2024, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST, JVS Job-Seekers Workshop Informational Interviewing – Your Path to Job Search Success

Everyone says I should be doing more informational interviewing, but what exactly is this and how do I get started? And why is it so important?

In this webinar, Deb Krawiec will delve into the art of the informational interview. Deb will share valuable information on how to engage and establish networking connections.

If you have been hesitant in reaching out to individuals you know, or may want to get to know, this is the webinar for you! You will learn how to re-establish former connections and build new connections. This dynamic webinar will also include a wide variety of sample scripts to help build your confidence.


Deborah (Deb) Krawiec

There will be 20 minutes of open networking

with fellow job seekers after the presentation.






Monday, 08/19, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

How to Use ChatGPT Effectively to Build Your Cover Letter. In this presentation, our speaker, Chui Senanayake, will guide attendees through leveraging ChatGPT to craft compelling cover letters. We will cover how to gather necessary information, outline the cover letter, and use specific prompts to generate each section with ChatGPT. Additionally, we’ll discuss best practices for reviewing and editing drafts to ensure clarity, consistency, and alignment with job descriptions. By the end of the session, participants will have a step-by-step approach to creating tailored, professional cover letters that stand out to employers.


Chui Senanayake is a professional career coach and the president/founder of The Job Helpers and JobProMax. Eighteen years ago, he was 19 and homeless. Today, he is an MBA graduate leading a successful business. With over 15 years of experience, he has optimized resumes for countless job seekers.


PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting. Please make sure to save the link you are emailed so you have it for Monday’s meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.


Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.


Mon August 19, 2024, WNO, Our August presentation will be “LinkedIn as a Job Seeker’s Search Engine”, presented by Ken Lang.

Ken Lang is the co-founder of My Networking Central, a searchable database for networking events and speakers. He also serves as a brand specialist for Lee Hecht Harrison, an outplacement service, focusing on LinkedIn best practices. He also helps small business owners maximize their presence on LinkedIn.

Ken will be discussing the latest LinkedIn changes and how they impact job search; he will then show us how LinkedIn can be used as a search engine for job specs, to locate companies and contacts, and to view other similar profiles to better maximize your experience.

Ken will do this via demonstrations and as a training session. Ken will be looking to us for audience participation to help guide him through any specific questions that come up.

Register Now  and join us at this month’s meeting! 


(Be sure to answer the questions that appear AFTER Eventbrite says “Order Successful”!)


Westchester Networking Organization (WNO)

A volunteer-run community supportive of those who are in career transition and looking for career opportunities




LinkedIn: Westchester Networking Organization (must have a profile on LinkedIn; access by request)


Monday, 08/26, 10:30 am, Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts, 

Managing Your Reputation and References from the Get-Go. Your resume and LinkedIn profile are only as good as the appropriate people who can vouch for your performance and experience your claim. In this presentation, our presenter, Ruth K. Robbins, will show you how to learn the new ways in which references are garnered by the HR hiring team, how to select your references, building a network of references and recommendations, and keeping them in the loop once the reference check process begins.

Ruth Robbins is a career coach with over 20 years of experience in career planning/exploration, job-search and new business/consulting practice start-ups. She helps clients craft their messaging, LinkedIn profiles, and personal statements. For the last four years, she has delivered job-search strategy and career coaching services for and The Whitehawk Group.

PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 pm Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 pm for our “Ask Maya” segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

 Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 am until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner. Victoria has been in private practice since 2014 and completed a Yoga certification in 2022.



 Pre-Recorded Podcasts

In this article, IDC’s Wayne Kurtzman shares survey results on how to increase engagement in virtual meetings


 This video podcast explores the preferences, experiences, attitudes and behaviors of organizers and attendees of virtual events that have been held in the wake of COVID-19. It also delves into the priorities that organizers, sponsors, and vendors should address to ensure a positive experience for event attendees and how to capitalize of virtual event opportunities.

The New York Science, Industry and Business Library, located at 188 Madison Avenue @ 34th Street, New York, NY 10016. The library also recorded some of the presentations and they are available 24/7 on-line at:

 PSG of Mercer County website has now grown to 35 eLearning sites. Many are free, but not all. Check out some of these eLearning sites at:



General Resources

The mission of is to provide ONE website where anyone who is unemployed or under-employed, can find everything they need to help with his or her career search that will result in employment.

Any formed group that assists members in educating, coaching, career testing, job lead, networking connections, mentoring, counseling, or support, while providing a safe place for the job seeker, is welcome to be listed on the or website.  For more information and a schedule of events go to 

Recurring Meetings

Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am: George Pace, an IT Technology Leader, in Partnership with TBCNJ, host a weekly LIVE Webinar every Sunday to discuss:

  •       The latest Federal / State news as it relates to the Job Market 

Monday mornings – The Ramsey Job Search Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members are expected to hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.

Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

Alternate Tuesdays, 10 am – Career Conversations with Tony are free webinars for those who are un/underemployed, in/considering a career transition. Sessions are facilitated primarily by longtime group facilitator and Career Coach, Tony Calabrese, of Absolute Transitions, LLC, or an esteemed guest presenter. Login info will be emailed the day prior to the webinar, but registration officially closes at 8am the morning of each webinar. All are welcome. Q & A will follow. Be sure to check our webpage for: dates, topics, presenters, webinar descriptions, and the registration link at: To receive an invite to join our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders, volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic, or if you have any questions, please email Tony at:

Every Tuesday 1-2:00pm, before 4/30, Join Ken Lang for his weekly LinkedIn Live! event. Register here at or you can watch the broadcast live from Ken’s LinkedIn profile – 


The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN) has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face to face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amounts of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.  


Neighbors-helping Neighbors USA ) founded on January 27,2011, is supported by an award winning web portal site, LinkedIn group, Facebook group and a large network of members and volunteer leaders built over the past 12 years.


Join William Paterson University Alumni Association virtually on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next. 

 Every Wednesday at 9:30, psgmc (Professional Services Group Morris County) presents a virtual meeting.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


Wednesdays – Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all. We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.

Job Seekers of Montclair meets every Wednesday in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. All meetings are free and open to the public.

Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website.

While you are there, you can join our low volume e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page.

You may also link to an Internet-friendly version of our schedule from our website. 

There is no meeting of Job Seekers this week. The next meeting is in person (with additional Zoom access) on January 3. Join Dr. Mark Arnowitz, adjunct professor at Caldwell University and counselor for life changing events, who will conduct a workshop on Coping with Change.


1st and 3rd Thursday of the month The Northwest New Jersey Career Club (NWNJCC) led by Nancy Mackowiak, will conduct an ONLINE ZOOM Meeting regarding current job search issues and challenges. This group previously met at the Mount Olive Public Library. To join the meeting, join the Facebook group ‘Northwest New Jersey Career Club’ and a Zoom invitation will be sent to you, a day before the meeting.

Free Computer Classes at Neptune Public Library. Registration required:

Thursday, June 29 5:30p-7:30p [PowerPoint]

 The basics class is discontinued and being done on an individual basis through diagnostic testing modules.

 To register, contact:

 Laura Myers

Neptune Public Library



The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. PSG of Mercer County meets each Friday morning at 10:00am. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website 

Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


Careers in Transition meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST except for July 6, 2024. Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

To ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5PM EST Friday before each meeting.

Link to sign up: :

2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start at promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.

Monthly schedule: 2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. See below. 

My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone.