Monday, March 10, 10:30 AM (Virtual Meeting)Speaker: Carol McCullagh
Topic: How Your Social Media may being used in Hiring
Three Social Media analysis tools will be presented. The tools encompass using X(Twitter), Facebook and/or LinkedIn, to make suggestions on personality and behavior traits that may or may not be accurate by using AI.
Carol M McCullagh, PhD is president and COO of CMMC Consulting, a general management consulting firm that helps companies in the areas of financials, quality, scheduling, and audits. Carol has worked in the areas of telecommunications manufacturing, U.S. Government, education and small businesses. Currently she is on the Careers in Transition Short Hills Leadership team while focusing on her job search for a President or Chief Operating Officer role in the diversified industrial sector (HVAC, Access Security). She is a holder of the 2021 and 2022 (a C-level organization) Power Player awards for networking and continuous learning.
“Ask Maya” Q&A Segment:
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 12:00–12:30 PM for a 30-minute Q&A session with Maya Ollson, career consultant and founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. A frequent PSGCNJ speaker, Maya will address your job search questions and provide valuable insights to support your career journey.
Meditation Coach and Reiki Master – Victoria Squazzo
Rejoining PSGCNJ on March 17th, – 11:30 to 12 Noon.
Victoria will lead you on an empowering journey through her Meditative Practices To Positively Impact Your Life. Please join us every 3rd Monday.
March 10 – 6-9 p.m. Join Us For “Professional Critique” and “How to Identify and Contact Decision Makers and Hiring Managers”
*Please Note: In the case of inclement weather, the “Special Notice” that is sent out, no later than 3 p.m. (CST) of the day of the St. Hubert Job & Networking Ministry meeting, will state whether the meeting will be both “in person” and “via Zoom” or just “via Zoom”.
6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: “Professional Critique” (In Person):
Receive a personalized evaluation of your professional goals, and develop a customized strategy to expedite your transition into your next professional opportunity:
St. Hubert Ministry Center
729 Grand Canyon
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169
7 – 9 p.m.: “How to Identify and Contact Decision Makers and Hiring Managers”:
This meeting will be In Person.
This meeting will also be via Zoom.
Finding a job is easier with a target contact at the company.
Job Transition Coach Richard Kennedy will provide tips, tricks and strategies for locating, identifying and reaching out to your next boss.
Richard Kennedy has helped more than 2,500 job seekers find their next role. Since 1997 he has taught, presented to and counseled people from dozens of industries at all organizational levels. He has worked from Wall Street to Hollywood and with startups to Fortune 100 firms. He holds an MBA in Marketing.
In Person:
St. Hubert Ministry Center
729 Grand Canyon
Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676
Passcode: 190359
To Join By Phone:
+13126266799,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Chicago)
+13017158592,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676
Passcode: 190359
*For More Information*:
Contact Us:
Phone: (708) 232-6535
Monday, March 10, 2025 7:30pm at Church of the Presentation, Career Management Session
The Career Management Group is for those who are unemployed, under-employed, looking to enhance their career or considering a career change.
We meet monthly in a welcoming, low-pressure setting.
Our Next Session is this Monday, March 10th 2025 at 7:30pm. Q&A and Group Discussions: Bring your Career and Job Search Questions
This will be at the Church of the Presentation, in the Jerusalem Room.
Our experienced volunteers are there to provide:
– Tables with support with networking and contacts, resumes, interviews, job-related social media, job situations AI tools, etc.
– We can arrange one-on-one follow-up time for assistance.
All are welcome. You need not have specific questions to attend this session!! …you will be hearing a lot of great tips and meeting others too.
If you wish to join our Career Management network, or have questions at any time, just email with your name and a brief introduction and we will be happy to assist.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025,12:00 pm – 1:30 pm ET, Job Search & Career Development, Ask the Experts… About Your Search, Zoom
Why aren’t you landing the job you want?
- Does the very idea of searching for a GREAT job seem futile?
- Do you feel like the odds are stacked against you in finding an opportunity you will truly love?
- Is the stress of being unemployed, underpaid or under-appreciated affecting the way you feel about life?
Beacon has arranged for three of the most popular and effective job search experts in the highly competitive NY to Philadelphia metropolitan job market to share their expertise with you.
This will be an open dialog, where you can get direct answers to your most pressing job search questions in a friendly, honest, and open environment.
About our job search experts:
John Hadley ( is a Job Search Strategist who has specialized for over 2 decades in helping job seekers who are frustrated with their search. A popular and sought-after speaker and author on every aspect of the job hunt, he has coached 100’s to land the job and pay they deserve, and helped thousands of others through his seminars, tele-classes, webinars and videos.
Members: Free
Non Members: $15
Members can bring complimentary guests by selecting “Add Another Attendee” at checkout.
Online registration is available until: 3/11/2025
Tuesday, March 11th, 6 pm at a hybrid mode The Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) is a free networking group that gathers monthly to foster connections and provide valuable resources for career growth. Open to professionals from all industries and career stages, our meetings are designed to help attendees expand their networks and gain the tools they need to advance in their careers. We focus on creating mutually beneficial relationships, where members can share ideas, exchange job leads and strengthen their networking abilities.
Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month and we usually have a guest speaker to discuss a topic of interest for business professionals.
To receive an NFP Evite email and other information on upcoming NFP meetings, please e-mail
To attend onsite or via zoom, you need to be register with the American Job center at If you are not already registered, go to and look for the “Sign In / Register” at the top right-hand side, click on the “Individual Registration” box and follow the instructions to register. After you are registered or if you need help in registering, please email Michael Shavel at or call Michael at 203-455-2707. Michael will verify your registration, add your name to the roster. If you are attending via zoom, ask Michael for the zoom link. Please register by March 10.
- Speaker presentation is from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
- Onsite meeting in Newtown, CT is 5:30 to 8:00 pm, with opportunities to mingle with other attendees at 5:30-6:00 and 7:30-8:00.
- Virtual meeting via zoom is 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
- Location and links are below.
Topic: “Effective Job Search Strategies and The Impact of AI and Resources for A.I.”
Guest speaker: Michael Shavel, Career Development Specialist with CT Dept of Labor
Topic: Effective Job Search Strategies and The Impact of AI and Resources for A.I.
About Michael Shavel
Michael Shavel is a Career Development Specialist with the Bridgeport American Job Center, where he provides Career Counseling, resume and job search assistance to a wide variety of job seekers including laid off executives and professionals, persons with disabilities, justice-involved individuals and those re-entering the workforce. He can be contacted at, or 203-455-2707. Michael’s LinkedIn profile:
ONSITE Location:
Knights of Columbus building at Saint Rose Church
46 Church Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470
* Enter the parking lot for Saint Rose Church and drive all the way to the end and make a left turn. Straight ahead you will see a white building with 3 garage doors on the first floor and a meeting room upstairs. The entrance is the door on the left with the Knights of Columbus sign.
VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting provided by Michael Shavel,, 203-455-2707
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)
The Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group, normally at Trinity Church in Princeton, is moving online for the time being. We will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays, each month.
Web site:
Tuesday meeting permalink:
Wednesday, March 12th from 7:00p-9:00p, the Hillsdale Career Networking Group is hosting an exciting and distinguished guest speaker. Our own Gary Gabaccia !
At our January meeting, you may recall that when our featured speaker cancelled at the last minute, Gary stepped up with a presentation he had given previously to other groups, but not in its entirety to ours. “Confessions of a Corporate Recruiter” provided an insight into the recruiting process from the perspective of the employer, walking step-by-step through the recruiting process starting from creation of the job post all the way through the presentation of the offer. The group’s reaction was so positive, and the questions asked were so good, that we simply ran out of time before we could complete the entire presentation. So our topic for our March meeting will be “Confessions of a Corporate Recruiter, Part 2″.
Gary’s experience comes from spending the last 13 years of his 37-year IBM career in recruiting, progressing from a hands-on recruiter to a Recruiting Manager to a Recruiting Executive. He has recruited for every level of IT professionals. The stories he’ll tell are from real life and will give you a perspective about interviewing that you may not already have. Bring all your questions for a frank and open discussion about how employers look at and evaluate job candidates.”
Please join us on Wednesday evening as Gary shares all the secrets. Bring a friend or college student or a spouse for an incredible evening!!
As always, our meeting will be held in the Parish Center of St. John the Baptist Church, 69 Valley Street, Hillsdale, NJ.
Networking will begin at 6:30pm if you would like to get a jump start connecting with members attending our “speed dating.” We will also have a raffle, coffee and desserts, and other exciting surprises for the event. Please bring copies of your resume(s) and business cards to exchange with others.
As always, reach out to Janelle at any time for even more help with ramping up your job interview skills, knowing what the hiring company most wants to know about you, getting “un-stuck” in your job search, regaining your confidence, answering tough interview questions, acquiring the leads and contacts you need, and so much more.
The Hillsdale Career Networking Group presents guest speakers on topics such as boosting your confidence and energy, creating a positive daily attitude, meeting others in a network group for the exchange of valuable insights, helping others to help each other and successfully overcoming the speed bumps that afflict everyone’s job campaign.
Please feel free to forward this note to ANYONE you think would benefit from joining us. Better yet, bring them with you! Everyone is welcome, and each month we cover a range of topics suitable to anyone in transition, including networking, resume preparation, interviewing and a variety of others. Our speakers come with a passion for their topics and a genuine desire to help, so let’s all help each other in the pursuit of that life-changing opportunity. And remember, it’s all about what YOU find valuable, so please let us know the subject matter of most interest to YOU.
John Carvelli – 201-995-7895 –
Janelle Razzino – 201-722-3111 –
Gary Gabaccia –201-391-2722 –
March 12th, Job Seekers of Montclair, we will be meeting again in the Assembly Room of St Luke’s church where we will be able to have better networking interactions, encouragement and support. However, since this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday the room is unavailable, so no meeting for Job Seekers this week. If you do meet with other people, consider inviting them to Job Seekers. I have provided a link below to various services available to the community (thanks to one of our participants).
Fund My Future provides career guidance and financial assistance for NJ-approved training programs.
Next week, March 12, we have a great in-person workshop presented by Carol Anderson on Interview Preparation. Plan now to attend at 7:30 PM. It will also be online but it’s better in person.
March 14, 2025, 10 AM-Noon, PSG of Mercer County, Sam Velu,
Chat GPT & AI for the Job Seeker, (Part 1)
Doors open by 9:45am.
Princeton Public Library, Community Room
65 Witherspoon Street
Princeton, NJ 08542
Click HERE to make an Accommodation Request to the library for this program.
Monday, March 17, 10:30 AM (Virtual Meeting)
Speaker: Tony Calabrese
Topic: Identify Your Transferable Skills
Tony Calabrese is the founder of Absolute Transitions, LLC and a Certified Get Five Career Coach, specializing in job searches and career changes. He is certified by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and integrates career and life coaching in his practice. Tony also works with REA – Partners in Transition, assisting spouses relocating to the New Jersey/New York area. In 2023, he joined Careerminds as an outplacement coach after Get Five’s acquisition and also provides outplacement coaching for the White Hawk Group. Previously, he spent 30 years at Prudential Financial, advancing from Programmer to Director of Financial Systems. Tony lives in Maplewood, NJ, with his wife, Carolina.Janelle Razzino is the President of Razzino Associates, Inc., a boutique executive search firm specializing in C-level, executive, and mid-level placements for Fortune Global 2000 companies. With 26+ years of experience in corporate recruiting across accounting, finance, and IT, she partners with clients to meet hiring needs in a fast-paced market.An entrepreneur and speaker, Janelle consults on emerging technology in recruitment, executive search, and career planning. She presents on topics like resiliency, innovative thinking, and leadership skills. Her firm primarily serves the NY, NJ, CT, and PA regions, with additional placements in CA, FL, and the UK. Janelle is a frequent speaker at career transition seminars and leads The Hillsdale Network Career Resource Ministry. She has been featured in The New York Times, CBS World News, and Rider University’s Your Career is Calling.
March 18 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ET Penn State Alumni Association
My Career Transitions presents “Learn How to Demonstrate & Communicate Your Value to Employers”
Are you navigating a career transition and looking to make a strong impression on potential employers? Join our insightful webinar where you’ll discover how to effectively showcase your unique skills, experiences, and strengths. You will learn how to identify the specific value employers are seeking and how to highlight those qualities, including your transferable skills, in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional communications. We’ll discuss the importance of moving beyond simply applying for jobs and instead taking the time to understand the needs of employers and tailor your applications accordingly. We’ll also delve into personal branding and strategies for communicating your value in various professional settings.
Overcome career transition challenges with expert advice and support. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your career prospects and demonstrate your true value to employers!
Here are the revised learning objectives:
- Identify Unique and Transferable Skills: Participants will learn how to assess and clearly articulate their unique skills, experiences, and transferable skills that align with employer needs.
- Discover What Employers Value: Participants will understand how to research and identify the specific skills, qualities, and experiences that employers value in potential candidates.
- Tailor Professional Communications: Participants will understand how to tailor their resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles to highlight the specific value employers are seeking.
- Develop Effective Personal Branding: Participants will gain insights into building a strong personal brand that reflects their professional identity and value proposition.
- Master Networking and Interview Techniques: Participants will learn effective networking strategies and interview techniques to confidently communicate their value.
My Career Transitions is a regional program by Penn State Alumni Career Services for alumni and community members.
Although the webinar is accessible from a mobile device, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer. A Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
March 19, 2025 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Penn State Alumni Association
Penn State Alumni Career Services presents: “Networking and the Art of Building Authentic Relationships”
Unlock the power of meaningful connections in both your personal and professional life. Join us for an engaging webinar on “Networking and the Art of Building Authentic Relationships”, where you’ll learn the key strategies to connect with others in a genuine and impactful way.
In this webinar, you will:
- Understand the importance of authenticity in networking and why it leads to stronger, more lasting relationships.
- Learn practical techniques for building rapport and trust with potential collaborators, clients, and mentors.
- Discover how to nurture relationships that go beyond transactional exchanges and become valuable, long-term connections.
- Gain insights into effective communication, listening skills, and follow-up strategies that ensure your relationships thrive.
Whether you’re a professional looking to expand your network, an entrepreneur building partnerships, or someone eager to grow their personal connections, this webinar will equip you with the tools and mindset to foster authentic relationships that propel you forward.
Although the webinar is accessible from a mobile device, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer. Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Register By March 19, 2025
Monday, March 24, 10:30 AM (Virtual Meeting)
Speaker: Janelle Razzino
Topic: Closing the Deal
March 26 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Penn State Alumni Career Services presents “AI’s Role in the Hiring Process: The Breakdown of Applicant Tracking Systems”
In today’s fast-paced job market, companies are increasingly turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to streamline their hiring processes. But how do these technologies work, and what do they mean for both employers and job seekers?
Join us for an in-depth webinar where we’ll explore the evolving role of AI in recruitment and break down the key components of Applicant Tracking Systems. Learn how ATS platforms use AI to efficiently filter resumes, assess candidate qualifications, and ensure a more data-driven, bias-reduced hiring process.
Key topics include:
- The basics of Applicant Tracking Systems and how they function
- How AI enhances ATS to improve candidate screening
- Best practices for job seekers to optimize resumes for ATS algorithms
- The benefits and challenges of integrating AI in recruitment
- Ethical considerations and ensuring fairness in AI-driven hiring
Although the webinar is accessible from a mobile device, we recommend using a laptop or desktop computer. Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Monday, March 31, 10:30 AM (Virtual Meeting)
Speaker: Jan Goodman
Topic: Art of Effective Communication and Myers-Briggs
Jan Goodman is a coach, trainer, public speaker, and workforce development specialist with expertise in disability resources, job training, and diversity initiatives. She develops job-search resource centers, conducts hands-on workshops on topics like business etiquette, unconscious bias, and stress management, and administers skills and behavioral assessments, including Myers-Briggs and Strong Career Assessments. As Lead Disability Program Navigator for Central NJ One-Stop Career Centers, Jan focuses on disability-related training, outreach, and employer partnerships to improve workforce integration. She also provides legal, diversity, and sensitivity training on hiring individuals with disabilities. Previously, she coordinated workforce programs for the Greater Raritan Workforce Investment Board. Jan serves on the SETC Disabilities Issues Committee and has presented at the GSETA conference. Her specialties include coalition building, strategic planning, program development, and public speaking.
“Ask Maya” Q&A Segment:
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 12:00–12:30 PM for a 30-minute Q&A session with Maya Ollson, career consultant and founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. A frequent PSGCNJ speaker, Maya will address your job search questions and provide valuable insights to support your career journey.
Saturday April 12th, at 9:30 AM
The Breakfast Club NJ Presents: Kick Start Your Job Search – The Essential Checklist. Presented by Valerie S. Williams.
Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.
Presentation: 9:30 -10:30am – doors to facility open 9am come early to get settled in.
Facilitated Networking: 10:30 – 11:30am
- Location: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library
- Address: 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
- Fee: $10 cash will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room.
Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in.
There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.
Recurring Meetings
When: Weekly, Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am
What: Keeppace with George Pace – What you should know about the latest IT and AI
Where: Facebook Live:
More Information: Leading Technology speaker, Researcher / IT strategist /Enterprise Architecture / Cloud / Open Source / Kubernetes / Microservices / Docker / DevOps / Video / Social Networking / Application Rationalization
Do you find it hard to “Keep Pace” with the never-ending stream of AI articles you encounter daily? Wouldn’t it be nice to get professional insight into those topics, so you can be prepared for how AI will impact YOU and YOUR CAREER?
That is the driver behind my weekly LIVE Webinar (30 Minutes EVERY Sunday at 9AM EST), where George provides his insights to interesting AI advances AND the changes it will drive.
When: Weekly, Mondays from 9:00 – 10:30 am
What: The Ramsey Job Search
Where: Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.
More Information: Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual. Members hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.
Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.
Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.
When: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
What: Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP)
Where: Knights of Columbus building at Saint Rose Church (hybrid)
46 Church Hill Road
Newtown, CT 06470
The Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) is a free networking group that gathers monthly to foster connections and provide valuable resources for career growth. Open to professionals from all industries and career stages, our meetings are designed to help attendees expand their networks and gain the tools they need to advance in their careers. We focus on creating mutually beneficial relationships, where members can share ideas, exchange job leads and strengthen their networking abilities.
More Information: Join virtually on the. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want. We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next.
When: 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
What: William Paterson University Alumni Association
Where: Contact Linda Kavan Senior Associate Director of Alumni Relations973.720.3625
More Information: Join virtually on the. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want. We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next.
When:Every Wednesday at 9:30 am
What: PSGMC (Professional Services Group Morris County) Via Zoom Online
Where: email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.
More Information: PSGMC presents a virtual meeting each week. They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings, please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.
When: Wednesdays at 7:30 PM
What: Job Seekers of Montclair is a free, job search training and support group open to all.
Where: We meet at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke‘s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair, NJ and online.
More Information: We have professional speakers on a variety of job search topics including recognizing your accomplishments, developing your resume, networking, interview preparation, and dealing with road blocks.
Meetings and workshops are in person and on Zoom at 7:30 pm. Information about the upcoming meeting can be found on our website, While you are there, you can join our weekly e-mail list where we send announcements of upcoming meetings or helpful information. Just click on Subscribe on the home page. You may also view our schedule and you have access to lots of resources. Our self-help group has been helping people in New Jersey and elsewhere get through the job search process and find new careers for the last forty years.
When:Every Friday morning at 10:00 am
What: Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County
Where: Princeton Public Library
More Information: The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths. Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs:
All PSG of Mercer County meetings are in-person only without streaming or recording.
No Signup or Registration Required
When:meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST
What: Careers in Transition
Where: Virtual
More Information: Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.
Read more about us:
M EST Friday before each meeting.
When:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August
What: Penn State Great Valley Presents My Career Transitions My Career Transitions
Where: Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA
More Information:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone. * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM. Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open. We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.
Dress Code: We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.
When: 2nd Saturday of each month
What: The Breakfast Club NJ. In Person Meetings
Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ
Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room
Why: Join one of the premier and longest running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search
Register at:
More Information:Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.
Join The Breakfast Club NJ where people of all disciplines: IT, Finance & Accounting, Communications, Human Resources get together with a common focus to assist each other in pursuing new employment opportunities, tackling the challenges of their current positions, and providing a support network to and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.
The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in-person meetings!!! Our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30 am & end 11:30 am (The Library doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in). The presentation will be 930-1030am then facilitated networking 1030-1130am then meeting will conclude but you can follow up on leads in room until noon. The new location is the Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library – address is 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ and Directions can be found at at bottom of home page under hours & directions:
There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering
Please help us by extending invites to anyone you know who is in transition. We will be collecting $10 Cash per attendee at door as we must pay to rent the room and are required to have insurance to use the facility. Looking forward to seeing everyone and welcoming you and the new members. No food or drink is allowed in the library as per library rules.
RSVP via Meetup – By RSVPing on Meetup, we can plan to have appropriate seating, and you will be able to contact other meeting attendees, and they will be able to contact you, as well. Additionally, any meeting changes will be sent out to members who register on Meetup. To receive our job listings, and timely job search and career updates, JOIN our pay it forward group at
When: On Demand – see below
What: Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN)
Where: Go to:
More Information: The has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face-to-face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amount of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor. Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their LinkedIn group.
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