Category Archives: job search advice

Job Search Networking Group meetings as of 12-9-2024

Finding a job is a competition







Monday, December 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm.  This will be: Career Q&A and Discussion about Interviews

We will be meeting in the Jerusalem Room at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River. 

All are welcome!  Relax and spend some time with our experienced volunteers and others in our network.

It’s a low-pressure, open Q&A session for Job Searchers to network with others and get advice/support.  

Whether you are actively searching, looking to advance in your current job or simply thinking about a new opportunity, feel free to join us.

 Our experienced volunteers are there to provide support.  Depending on your needs:

– Support with networking and making important connections.

– One-on-one follow-up time for assistance – this includes mock interviews – just ask!!

– Bring your resume (Job Searchers) if you wish to get some feedback/suggestions.

You need not have specific questions to attend this session!! …you will be hearing a lot of great tips and meeting others too.

Any questions or need assistance from us in between meetings? – we are here! 

Just email us any time at:

Topic: Career Management Ministry

Time: December 9, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 4931 2763

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,88949312763# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,88949312763# US (New York)



Tuesday, December 10, 5:30 to 8:00 pm, The Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) is a free networking group that gathers monthly to foster connections and provide valuable resources for career growth. Open to professionals from all industries and career stages, our meetings are designed to help attendees expand their networks and gain the tools they need to advance in their careers. We focus on creating mutually beneficial relationships, where members can share ideas, exchange job leads and strengthen their networking abilities.
Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month and we usually have a guest speaker to discuss a topic of interest for business professionals.To receive an NFP Evite email and other information on upcoming NFP meetings, please e-mail

Our next Northern Fairfield Professionals (NFP) meeting is on Tuesday, December 10 at a hybrid mode.

  •       Speaker presentation is from 6:00pm to 7:30pm
  •       Onsite meeting in Newtown, CT is 5:30 to 8:00 pm, with opportunities to mingle with other attendees at 5:30-6:00 and 7:30-8:00.
  •       Virtual meeting via zoom is 6:00pm to 7:30pm.  
  •       Location and links are below.   

Topic: Accelerating interview success through styles

Guest speaker:  David Gilman, President of Gilman Performance Solutions, Inc.

We work hard to get interviews and often it is multiple layers, with recruiters, Talent Acquisition, hiring manager, and or team members in any combination. Interviewing effectively with all/most is critical, virtually, and of course, in-person. This 60+ minute interactive workshop will help you understand your style and determine who you are dealing with to apply versatility for success. Research has shown that the model we will be using is the easiest to apply and most effective back on the job… and it is fully applicable in your personal life as well. This has actively been used for people in recruitment/talent acquisition to also help match candidates with hiring managers for success. Come prepared to be fully engaged and ready to learn things within 60+ minutes that have positively changed peoples’ views and skills, personally and professionally. 

ONSITE Location: 

Knights of Columbus building at Saint Rose Church

46 Church Hill Road

Newtown, CT 06470

* Enter the parking lot for Saint Rose Church and drive all the way to the end and make a left turn. Straight ahead you will see a white building with 3 garage doors on the first floor and a meeting room upstairs. The entrance is the door on the left with the Knights of Columbus sign. 

Contact Number: 203-270-0051

 VIRTUAL Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 862 8899 7801

Passcode: 316243

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,86288997801#,,,,*316243# US (New York)

+16469313860,,86288997801#,,,,*316243# US


Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)  The Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group, normally at Trinity Church in Princeton, is moving online for the time being.  We will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays, each month.

Web site:

Tuesday meeting permalink:




Wednesday, December 10, 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair offers a Practical Interview Workshop. Succeed in your job interview by practicing with valuable feedback. Carol Anderson will provide one-on-one help this Wednesday at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke’s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. The entrance is on the west side of the church, facing S. Fullerton. Light refreshments will be served. Check our website,, for directions and additional information about preparing for interviews. Bring your resume.

NOTE: There are 8 steps up to the door. If this would be a problem for you, or you live far away, we offer an online way to attend the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505

One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.





THE SEASON is HERE! It’s CHRISTMAS and HANUKKAH and all the greatest HOLIDAYS abound! Let’s make this last month of 2024 SPECTACULAR, GRATIFYING and FUN! 

On Wednesday, December 11th, starting at 7:00p to 9:00p, the Hillsdale Career Networking Group will be meeting at The Saint John’s Parish Center in Hillsdale, New Jersey.  Join us and BRING A FRIEND. …… not forget the Christmas cookies ! Ho-Ho-Ho!

We have a wonderful speaker this month and I’m sure a lot of you know him from so many network meetings, Mr. Marty Latman, to show us the way to “NETWORK DURING THE HOLIDAYS”……and he doesn’t need reindeer to show us the way.

There is a widespread misconception that the holiday season, from Thanksgiving through the first weeks into the New Year, is the worst time of the year to be active in a job search.  According to this view, most senior managers who hire have their minds on other things like a Holiday vacation or other holiday activities with their families.  Though these issues do affect some hiring managers, they do not influence most senior executives.  Marty Latman discusses why this time of year is the best time of the year to job hunt and provides you with examples to help you improve your networking techniques.  Marty is innovative, has a great sense of humor, joyous in what he does for others, and we are honored to have him with us for our December holiday meeting. Bring a friend, spouse, college grad or whoever would like to see our group. 

Janelle Razzino will be on hand to discuss the 2 HOUR SESSION and the 3-Week accelerated success program. WE are in full swing. It’s fun and fast and a great time to ramp up on techniques, knowing what the company wants to know about “who you are”, getting “un-stuck” in your search, get your confidence back, how to answer those interviewing questions, acquiring the leads and contacts you need and so much more. Your resume may need a facelift or a refresh. Let Janelle help you Get IT DONE, Get IT RIGHT! 

 The group leaders are John F. Carvelli, Janelle Razzino and Gary Gabaccia. John and Janelle are both parishioners at St. John’s. Janelle is an Executive Recruiter located in Westwood, New Jersey and Gary is a former Recruiting Leader for IBM and a parishioner at Our Lady Mother of the Church. This is a job search networking group that is suitable for everyone in transition. The group will discuss networking, landing the job on the first interview, new ideas for resume campaigns, identifying target companies, changing careers and a whole host of other topics. The group will meet on the second Wednesday of every month in the Sheen Room of the Parish Center. 

We will present guest speakers on such topics as boosting your confidence and energy, creating a positive daily attitude, meeting others in a network group for the exchange of valuable insights, helping others to help each other and successfully overcoming the speed bumps that afflict everyone’s job campaign. 

Please feel free to forward this note to ANYONE that you think would benefit from joining us. Or, better yet, just bring them with you! Everyone is welcome, and each month we try to cover a range of topics suitable to anyone in transition, including networking, resume preparation, interviewing and variety of others. Our speakers come with a passion for their topics and a genuine desire to help, so let’s all help each other in the pursuit of that life-changing opportunity. And remember, it’s all about what YOU find valuable, so please let us know the subject matter of most interest to YOU.    

Networking will begin at 6:30 if you would like to get a jump start on connecting with members that will be attending during our “speed dating.”  We will also have a raffle, good food, and some other exciting surprises for the event. Please bring copies of your resume(s) and business cards to exchange with others. Bring your great and positive attitude. Refreshments will be served. 


John Carvelli – 201-995-7895

Janelle Razzino –

Gary Gabaccia –201-391-2722



Saturday 12/14 at 9:30 am, Live and In Person-TBCNJ Presents: Money Saving Strategies During a Career Transition at the East Brunswick Public Library. 


Come join us and network with fellow job seekers and people who are interested in advancing their career.


When: Saturday, December 14th, at 9:30 AM, in person

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest-running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search

Register at:


Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: This presentation will cover several strategies to consider helping with cash flow during a career transition. The focus will be on those strategies that may not be well known or understood. Topics will include Medical Insurance through the Affordable Care Act, strategies to take advantage of shifting marginal tax rates during a transition including impact of new tax laws, and advantages/disadvantages of 401k/403b rollovers.

About the Speaker: Bill LaChance is an independent financial advisor. His firm offers a unique flat fee program that combines financial planning, portfolio guidance, tax planning and tax preparation. Prior to launching his financial planning practice, Bill spent twenty-two years in corporate finance in the retail industry and before that was a CPA with a large accounting firm. Bill has a B.S. in Accounting from Bryant University and an MBA in Finance from Indiana University. Bill is a Certified Financial Planner as well as an Enrolled Agent authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in)

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Register at:$all

 Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.


Recurring Meetings


When: Weekly, Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am

What: Keeppace with George Pace – What you should know about the latest IT and AI

Where: Facebook Live:

More Information: Leading Technology speaker, Researcher / IT strategist /Enterprise Architecture / Cloud / Open Source / Kubernetes / Microservices / Docker / DevOps / Video / Social Networking / Application Rationalization




Do you find it hard to “Keep Pace” with the never-ending stream of AI articles you encounter daily?  Wouldn’t it be nice to get professional insight into those topics, so you can be prepared for how AI will impact YOU and YOUR CAREER?
That is the driver behind my weekly LIVE Webinar (30 Minutes EVERY Sunday at 9AM EST), where George provides his insights to interesting AI advances AND the changes it will drive. 


When: Weekly, Mondays from 9:00 – 10:30 am

What: The Ramsey Job Search

Where: Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

More Information: Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.


When:4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.

What: William Paterson University Alumni Association

Where: Contact Linda Kavan Senior Associate Director of Alumni      Relations973.720.3625 



More Information: Join virtually on the. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next.


When:Every Wednesday at 9:30 am

What: PSGMC (Professional Services Group Morris County) Via Zoom Online

Where: email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

 More Information: PSGMC presents a virtual meeting each week.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings, please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


When:Every Friday morning at 10:00 am

What: Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County

Where: Princeton Public Library

More Information: The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths.  Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


When: meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST 

What: Careers in Transition

Where: Virtual

More Information: Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

Link to sign up: : ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5P

M EST Friday before each meeting.


When:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August

What: Penn State Great Valley Presents  My Career Transitions My Career Transitions

Where: Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA

More Information:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone. * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start  promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.



When:  2nd Saturday of each month

What: The Breakfast Club NJ.  In Person Meetings

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search


Register at:

More Information:Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Join The Breakfast Club NJ where people of all disciplines: IT, Finance & Accounting, Communications, Human Resources get together with a common focus to assist each other in pursuing new employment opportunities, tackling the challenges of their current positions, and providing a support network to and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  

The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings!!! Our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am & end 11:30am (The Library doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in). The presentation will be 930-1030am then facilitated networking 1030-1130am then meeting will conclude but you can follow up on leads in room until noon. The new location is the Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library – address is 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ and Directions can be found at at bottom of home page under hours & directions: 

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering

Please help us by extending invites to anyone you know who is in transition. We will be collecting $10 Cash per attendee at door as we must pay to rent the room and are required to have insurance to use the facility. Looking forward to seeing everyone and welcoming you and the new members. No food or drink is allowed in the library as per library rules.

RSVP via Meetup – By RSVPing on Meetup, we can plan to have appropriate seating, and you will be able to contact other meeting attendees, and they will be able to contact you, as well. Additionally, any meeting changes will be sent out to members who register on Meetup. To receive our job listings, and timely job search and career updates, JOIN our pay it forward group at


When: On Demand – see below

What: Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN)

Where: go to:

More Information: The has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face-to-face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by the founder will offer one-on-one sessions with our membership information and a large amount of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, and with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their LinkedIn group. 


Copyright 2024

Job search netwroking group meetings as of 12-2-2024







Tuesday 12/3 at 10am ET, Career Conversations with Tony Webinar. Tony is pleased to present: “Understanding Conversations”. Register now at: All are welcome. Q & A will follow. 

Savvy job seekers know the benefits of maintaining momentum in their job search throughout the holiday season, and discovering new personal and professional networking opportunities, thanks to an increase in online and in-person events. Take advantage of this time to connect and reconnect with people in a festive, relaxed setting. Tony will discuss how to prepare for and maximize the value of such interactions. It’s always the folks with a go-giver mentality, who demonstrate value and express genuine interest in someone else’s work, who become the most successful. 

Meetings are held on Zoom on alternate Tuesdays at 10am ET, with rare exceptions, and will remain virtual for the foreseeable future. We are booked through December. Be sure to check our webpage for a list of webinar dates, topics, descriptions, and the registration link, at:

Sharing is caring, so encourage folks in your network to join us and subscribe to our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders. If you’d like to volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic for 2025, or if you have any questions, simply email Tony at: Look forward to “seeing” you.


Wednesday, December 4, 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Job Seekers of Montclair presents Managing Your Interviews. We want to help you succeed in your job interview by giving you a chance to practice with valuable feedback. Carol Anderson will provide one-on-one help this Wed. at the Assembly Hall of St. Luke’s Church on 73 S. Fullerton Ave., Montclair. The entrance is on the west side of the church, facing S. Fullerton. Light refreshments are served. Check our website,, for directions and additional information about preparing for interviews.

NOTE: There are 8 steps up to the door. If this would be a problem for you, or you live far away, we offer an online way to attend the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 6416 8449

Passcode: 005505

One tap mobile +13052241968,,86964168449#,,,,


For phone only dial 929 436 2866 and enter ID + passcode.



Friday, December 6 PSG of Mercer County welcomes Sean Haggerty & John Armstrong to present a different and very interesting presentation, “Employee to Entrepreneur through Franchising”.

PSG of Mercer County wishes you a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving holiday!


Monday, December 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm.  This will be a career Q&A and Discussion about Interviews

We will be meeting in the Jerusalem Room at the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River. 

All are welcome!  Relax and spend some time with our experienced volunteers and others in our network.

It’s a low-pressure, open Q&A session for Job Searchers to network with others and get advice/support.  

Whether you are actively searching, looking to advance in your current job or simply thinking about a new opportunity, feel free to join us.

 Our experienced volunteers are there to provide support.  Depending on your needs:

– Support with networking and making important connections.

– One-on-one follow-up time for assistance – this includes mock interviews – just ask!!

– Bring your resume (Job Searchers) if you wish to get some feedback/suggestions.

You need not have specific questions to attend this session!! …you will be hearing a lot of great tips and meeting others too.

Any questions or need assistance from us in between meetings? – we are here! 

Just email us any time at:


Saturday 12/14 at 9:30 am, Live and In Person-TBCNJ Presents: Money Saving Strategies During a Career Transition at the East Brunswick Public Library. 

 Come join us and network with fellow job seekers and people who are interested in advancing their career.


When: Saturday, December 14th, at 9:30 AM, in person

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest-running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search

Register at:


Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: This presentation will cover several strategies to consider helping with cash flow during a career transition. The focus will be on those strategies that may not be well-known or understood. Topics will include Medical Insurance through the Affordable Care Act, strategies to take advantage of shifting marginal tax rates during a transition including the impact of new tax laws, and advantages/disadvantages of 401k/403b rollovers.

About the Speaker: Bill LaChance is an independent financial advisor. His firm offers a unique flat fee program that combines financial planning, portfolio guidance, tax planning, and tax preparation. Before launching his financial planning practice, Bill spent twenty-two years in corporate finance in the retail industry and before that, he was a CPA with a large accounting firm. Bill has a B.S. in Accounting from Bryant University and an MBA in Finance from Indiana University. Bill is a Certified Financial Planner as well as an Enrolled Agent authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in)

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Register at:$all

 Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.


 Recurring Meetings


When: Weekly, Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am

What: Keeppace with George Pace – What you should know about the latest IT and AI

Where: Facebook Live:

More Information: Leading Technology speaker, Researcher / IT strategist /Enterprise Architecture / Cloud / Open Source / Kubernetes / Microservices / Docker / DevOps / Video / Social Networking / Application Rationalization




Do you find it hard to “Keep Pace” with the never-ending stream of AI articles you encounter daily?  Wouldn’t it be nice to get professional insight into those topics, so you can be prepared for how AI will impact YOU and YOUR CAREER?
That is the driver behind my weekly LIVE Webinar (30 Minutes EVERY Sunday at 9AM EST), where George provides his insights to interesting AI advances AND the changes it will drive. 


When: Weekly, Mondays from 9:00 – 10:30 am

What: The Ramsey Job Search

Where: Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

More Information: Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.


When:4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.

What: William Paterson University Alumni Association

Where: Contact Linda Kavan Senior Associate Director of Alumni      Relations973.720.3625 



More Information: Join virtually on the. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next.


When:Every Wednesday at 9:30 am

What: PSGMC (Professional Services Group Morris County) Via Zoom Online

Where: email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

 More Information: PSGMC presents a virtual meeting each week.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings, please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


When:Every Friday morning at 10:00 am

What: Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County

Where: Princeton Public Library

More Information: The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths.  Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


When:meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST 

What: Careers in Transition

Where: Virtual

More Information: Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

Link to sign up: : ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5P

M EST Friday before each meeting.


When:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August

What: Penn State Great Valley Presents  My Career Transitions My Career Transitions

Where: Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA

More Information:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone. * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start  promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.



When:  2nd Saturday of each month

What: The Breakfast Club NJ.  In Person Meetings

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search


Register at:

More Information:Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Join The Breakfast Club NJ where people of all disciplines: IT, Finance & Accounting, Communications, Human Resources get together with a common focus to assist each other in pursuing new employment opportunities, tackling the challenges of their current positions, and providing a support network to and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  

The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings!!! Our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am & end 11:30am (The Library doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in). The presentation will be 930-1030am then facilitated networking 1030-1130am then meeting will conclude but you can follow up on leads in room until noon. The new location is the Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library – address is 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ and Directions can be found at at bottom of home page under hours & directions: 

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering

Please help us by extending invites to anyone you know who is in transition. We will be collecting $10 Cash per attendee at door as we must pay to rent the room and are required to have insurance to use the facility. Looking forward to seeing everyone and welcoming you and the new members. No food or drink is allowed in the library as per library rules.

RSVP via Meetup – By RSVPing on Meetup, we can plan to have appropriate seating, and you will be able to contact other meeting attendees, and they will be able to contact you, as well. Additionally, any meeting changes will be sent out to members who register on Meetup. To receive our job listings, and timely job search and career updates, JOIN our pay it forward group at


When: On Demand – see below

What: Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN)

Where: go to:

More Information: The has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face-to-face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amount of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group. 



Copyright 2024


Job search networking meetings as of 11-25-2024


Monday, 11/25, 10:30 a.m., Professional Services Group of Central New Jersey hosts,

Effective Holiday Networking Tips. People are prone to share a sense of well-wishing this time of year and many companies gear up their hiring strategies for the beginning of the New Year.

Our speaker Rod Williams will tell us how to take advantage of these opportunities. Rod is the managing principal of B.E.S.T. Talent Management Solutions LLC, which he founded in 2010.

His expertise includes over 25 years in career development and employment marketplace specialization. Prior to founding B.E.S.T. he was a job market consultant for Lee Hecht Harrison’s New York City office. Rod also connects individuals with employment challenges to job search strategies for the Employment Networking Ministry at Fountain Baptist Church in Summit, NJ.


PSGCNJ has established a pre-registration system for Zoom meetings. Please click Zoom Registration and register by our 11 p.m. Friday deadline prior to the Monday morning meeting.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from noon-12:30 p.m. for our ‘Ask Maya’ segment with Maya Ollson, career consultant, founder of Kokopella High Touch Outplacement. Maya facilitates the 30-minute Q&A session to answer your job-search questions.

Please join us on the third Monday of the month from 11:30 a.m. until noon for a new segment on the importance of meditation in your job search. The segment is hosted by Victoria Squazzo, a certified Reiki master/teacher, holistic practitioner of Ayurveda and emotion code practitioner.


November 25 – 6-9 p.m.

6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: “Professional Critique” (In Person)

Receive a personalized evaluation of your professional goals, and develop a customized strategy to expedite your transition into your next professional opportunity:


St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169


7 – 9 p.m.: “Most Popular Questions Asked In An Interview: Personal and Professional Insights”: 


This meeting will be In Person.


This meeting will also be via Zoom.

What are your [professional] strengths?

What are your [professional] weaknesses?

What makes you uncomfortable [in a professional setting]?

Learn strategies to identify your [professional] strengths and weaknesses, and how to convert these into professional success.

In Person:

St. Hubert Ministry Center

729 Grand Canyon

Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169


Via Zoom:


Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676


Passcode: 190359


To Join By Phone:


+13126266799,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Chicago)


+13017158592,,88359760676#,,,,,,0#,,190359# US (Germantown)


Dial by your location


+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)


+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)


+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)


+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)


Meeting ID: 883 5976 0676


Passcode: 190359


*For More Information*:


Contact Us:


Email: sainthubertjobministry@…

Phone: (708) 232-6535




Tuesday, November 26, 2024 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT) 

The Tuesday evening NJ JobSeekers group, normally at Trinity Church in Princeton, is moving online for the time being.  We will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays, each month.

Web site:

Tuesday meeting permalink:



Tuesday 12/3 at 10am ET, Career Conversations with Tony Webinar. Tony is pleased to present: “Understanding Conversations”. Register now at: All are welcome. Q & A will follow. 

Savvy job seekers know the benefits of maintaining momentum in their job search throughout the holiday season, discovering new personal and professional networking opportunities, thanks to an increase in online and in person events. Take advantage of this time to connect and reconnect with people in a festive, relaxed setting. Tony will discuss how to prepare for and maximize the value of such interactions. It’s always the folks with a go-giver mentality, who demonstrate value and express genuine interest in someone else’s work, who become the most successful. 

Meetings are held on Zoom on alternate Tuesdays at 10am ET, with rare exceptions, and will remain virtual for the foreseeable future. We are booked through December. Be sure to check our webpage for a list of webinar dates, topics, descriptions, and the registration link, at:

Sharing is caring, so encourage folks in your network to join us and subscribe to our listserv for occasional announcements and reminders. If you’d like to volunteer or recommend a thought-leader or topic for 2025, or if you have any questions, simply email Tony at: Look forward to “seeing” you.


Saturday 12/14 at 9:30 am, Live and In Person-TBCNJ Presents: Money Saving Strategies During a Career Transition at the East Brunswick Public Library. 


Come join us and network with fellow job seekers and people who are interested in advancing their career.


When: Saturday December 14th, at 9:30 AM, in person

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search

Register at:


Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Presentation: This presentation will cover several strategies to consider helping with cash flow during a career transition. The focus will be on those strategies that may not be well known or understood. Topics will include Medical Insurance through the Affordable Care Act, strategies to take advantage of shifting marginal tax rates during a transition including impact of new tax laws, and advantages/disadvantages of 401k/403b rollovers.

About the Speaker: Bill LaChance is an independent financial advisor. His firm offers a unique flat fee program that combines financial planning, portfolio guidance, tax planning and tax preparation. Prior to launching his financial planning practice, Bill spent twenty-two years in corporate finance in the retail industry and before that was a CPA with a large accounting firm. Bill has a B.S. in Accounting from Bryant University and an MBA in Finance from Indiana University. Bill is a Certified Financial Planner as well as an Enrolled Agent authorized to represent taxpayers before the IRS.

Note: Time & Location Change – our meetings begin promptly at 9:30am (doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in)

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering.

Register at:$all

 Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Copyright 2024

Recurring Meetings


When: Weekly, Sundays from 9:00 – 9:30 am

What: Keeppace with George Pace – What you should know about the latest IT and AI

Where: Facebook Live:

More Information: Leading Technology speaker, Researcher / IT strategist /Enterprise Architecture / Cloud / Open Source / Kubernetes / Microservices / Docker / DevOps / Video / Social Networking / Application Rationalization




Do you find it hard to “Keep Pace” with the never-ending stream of AI articles you encounter daily?  Wouldn’t it be nice to get professional insight into those topics, so you can be prepared for how AI will impact YOU and YOUR CAREER?
That is the driver behind my weekly LIVE Webinar (30 Minutes EVERY Sunday at 9AM EST), where George provides his insights to interesting AI advances AND the changes it will drive. 


When: Weekly, Mondays from 9:00 – 10:30 am

What: The Ramsey Job Search

Where: Please contact Beth Berkenfeld at or 201-797-4342 if interested in joining the group.

More Information: Work Team meets every Monday morning. Networking starts from 9 to 9:30am and the meeting starts at 9:30 to 10:30 while virtual.  Members hold each other accountable at weekly (virtual) meetings for conducting a job search in earnest. Historically, the team has enjoyed a very high rate of “landings” by those conducting an active and vigorous job search.

Based on the Lee-Hecht-Harrison model, it’s more of a project management team made up of people committed to helping each other in the job search. By attending regularly and staying focused on key tasks, meetings serve as an advisory panel that knows you and your search and can offer answers to the questions that come up in job hunting.

Help others to help you (especially for the first few meetings) by having a prepared “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself. Jobs open up because there’s a problem to solve or a need to fill.


When:4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.

What: William Paterson University Alumni Association

Where: Contact Linda Kavan Senior Associate Director of Alumni      Relations973.720.3625 



More Information: Join virtually on the. via Zoom for an informative and strategic approach to landing the job you want.  We are pleased to launch a series of career workshops to help support you in your career search. Whether you’re in a current job search, considering a career transition or looking to take your career to the next level, these sessions are for you! Over the next 5 months, you’ll have an opportunity to learn the key elements of a job search strategy and a step-by-step approach to landing the job you want. We’ll take the guesswork out of the job search, so you will always know what to do next.


When:Every Wednesday at 9:30 am

What: PSGMC (Professional Services Group Morris County) Via Zoom Online

Where: email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.

 More Information: PSGMC presents a virtual meeting each week.  They provide relevant speakers to help with your job search, as well as provide a forum to networks. If you would like to attend our meetings, please email Dale at for Zoom Meeting ID and Password.


When:Every Friday morning at 10:00 am

What: Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County

Where: Princeton Public Library

More Information: The Professional Service Group (PSG) of Mercer County is a community program providing enrichment seminars for professionals in transition who are seeking new employment opportunities or exploring new career paths.  Meetings are always free, open to all, and do NOT require you to register in advance. Please check the PSG of Mercer County website Event Calendar for upcoming programs:


When: meets virtually the first and third Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM EST 

What: Careers in Transition

Where: Virtual

More Information: Each meeting offers: (1) various speakers and topics related to job search and career development (2) Resume Review.

Read more about us:

Link to sign up: : ensure the security of our virtual meetings, invitations will be emailed directly only to members who register for the meeting.  Registration will be open until 5P

M EST Friday before each meeting.


When:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August

What: Penn State Great Valley Presents  My Career Transitions My Career Transitions

Where: Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA

More Information:2nd Saturday of the month, except we skip December and August. Penn State Great Valley Presents   My Career Transitions My Career Transitions has returned to in-person meetings at the Penn State Great Valley campus in Malvern, PA. Attending in-person allows you to get the most from the meeting by interacting with the speaker My Career Transitions is presented by Penn State Great Valley and our events are sponsored by the Penn State Great Valley Alumni Society. You do not need to have any affiliation with Penn State to attend and benefit from our meetings and speaker. We welcome everyone. * For those outside the greater Philadelphia region or otherwise not able to attend in-person, you will be able to join by Zoom, starting with virtual networking before joining the classroom live. We do not record the meetings for viewing later.All events now start  promptly at 10:00 AM and end by 12:15 PM.  Please arrive by 10:00 when doors open.  We start with the MCT networking session – a fun way to meet people and grow your network by 2-3 people – even before the speaker starts.Note: Registration for all events closes at 12 noon the day prior to the event.  

Dress Code:  We suggest dressy casual. No one wears suits or ties. The norm is slacks and a collared shirt for men and the equivalent for women.



When:  2nd Saturday of each month

What: The Breakfast Club NJ.  In Person Meetings

Where: Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ

Fee: $10 cash only will be collected at the door to pay for the cost of the room

Why: Join one of the premier and longest running networking groups in New Jersey, founded in 2001 to help you with your career search


Register at:

More Information:Please share this with other groups you may be in. Join us on at: to RSVP for the meeting.

Join The Breakfast Club NJ where people of all disciplines: IT, Finance & Accounting, Communications, Human Resources get together with a common focus to assist each other in pursuing new employment opportunities, tackling the challenges of their current positions, and providing a support network to and networking with the volunteers and other attendees that may be able to help you.  

The Breakfast Club NJ (TBCNJ) has returned to in person meetings!!! Our meetings will now begin promptly at 9:30am & end 11:30am (The Library doors open 9am please come early to enjoy some extra networking time and get settled in). The presentation will be 930-1030am then facilitated networking 1030-1130am then meeting will conclude but you can follow up on leads in room until noon. The new location is the Conference Center of the East Brunswick Public Library – address is 2 Jean Walling Civic Center Drive, East Brunswick, NJ and Directions can be found at at bottom of home page under hours & directions: 

There is ample parking both in primary lot directly in front of library’s main entrance and a second lot to the side of the library facility, but you must enter through libraries front doors to gain access to the conference center which is to the left rear of the facility after entering

Please help us by extending invites to anyone you know who is in transition. We will be collecting $10 Cash per attendee at door as we must pay to rent the room and are required to have insurance to use the facility. Looking forward to seeing everyone and welcoming you and the new members. No food or drink is allowed in the library as per library rules.

RSVP via Meetup – By RSVPing on Meetup, we can plan to have appropriate seating, and you will be able to contact other meeting attendees, and they will be able to contact you, as well. Additionally, any meeting changes will be sent out to members who register on Meetup. To receive our job listings, and timely job search and career updates, JOIN our pay it forward group at


When: On Demand – see below

What: Neighbors-helping-Neighbors (NhN)

Where: go to:

More Information: The has now changed its operating model from virtual meetings, face-to-face meeting to a one-on-one mentor/coach model. Our leaders and others who volunteer and are vetted by founder will offer one on one sessions with our membership information and a large amount of resources for NhNUSA may be found at There is both a registration for members needing help, along with a registration for applying to be a coach/mentor.  Please feel free to use the free career resources on this site and join their Linked-In group.